Thursday, May 29, 2008


Vocabulary building is important for both reading comprehension and writing. Use the following two words (note the part of speech) in one sentence.

circumlocution (noun) + either adverse (adjective) or adversely (adverb)

Correct answers will be saved to the Blog archive.


Irena said...

Adverse circumlocution of Sonia’s speech at high school reunion remained many of her former fellow students how peculiar she was as a teenager.

Veronica Baig said...

Irena: You clearly understand the vocabulary, but there are some problems with this sentence: the most important are to use a different main verb (I think you used "remained" in error), and because you already have the first clause in the simple past, you need a previous event (the second clause) in the past perfect;-)

kativa said...

Adverse circumlocution of Sonia’s speech at the high school reunion reminded many of her former fellow students how peculiar she had been as a teenager.

Veronica Baig said...

Irena?? Much better, now just use "The" to start the sentence.