Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Welcome to the English 189 Blog.
The goal of this Blog is to increase the communication between us and to provide you with an opportunity to communicate with each other. Along the way, you can earn bonus points towards your next assignment. If you post general questions about the assignments or the course we will answer them; if you have detailed questions, then it’s probably better to e-mail your tutor. Do let us know your Blog likes and dislikes.
IMPORTANT: This blog site is open to the public; do not post personal information that could identify you--your first name is the only personal information you should post.  


Welcome: In July, we welcome the following students to the course: Shawna, Neil, and Christie. We hope you will enjoy the course and participate in the blog.

Previous Grammar Question

The twin’s were unusual amused, first they entertain there school’s friends’ by telling jokes, than they had chased after the neighboring dog and it was ended when they had imitated their friend’s.

1. Active or passive voice? If the twins were amused, then someone or something was amusing them. Given their actions, it makes more sense to use the active voice and use the past progressive tense--were amusing--as they were amusing the others. Similarly use the simple past “ended” in the active voice instead of the passive “was ended”.
2. Word form: unusual is an adjective; here the verb is being modified, so use the adverb --unusually.
3. Possessive or plural: “twins” should be plural not possessive--no apostrophe. Similarly, “school’s” modifies “friends”--as an adjective it cannot have a possessive, and it cannot be plural either; use “school”; also, “friends” is plural, not possessive--no apostrophe (both times).
4. Verb tense: This story is set in the past, so use either past progressive or simple past; instead of “entertain” use “entertained”. Also, use the simple past tense (chased) to be consistent--not the past perfect (had chased), and use the simple past “imitated” and not the past perfect “had imitated”..
5. Word confusion: the pronoun is “their”; “there” is an adverb of place.
6. Word confusion: “than” is used to compare two things; to indicate what happened next, use “then”.
7. Word confusion: “neighbouring” refers to a place; here use either the possessive “neighbour’s” or “neighbourhood”.
8. Punctuation: The first two clauses are independent ones; use a semicolon after “amusing”.  Where “and” separates two independent clauses, use a comma (after dog).
Suggested solution: The twins were unusually amusing; first they entertained their school friends by telling jokes, then they chased after the neighbour’s dog, and it ended when they imitated their friends.

Next Blog: Friday, July 30th


Here is a fun, but excellent resource to help with semicolon usage.

GRAMMAR QUESTION, July 21st, 2010

Correct the errors in the following sentence:

Seeing that starbucks’ opens at safeway stores now and they had also opened at many book stores’;  I wonder if it would now loose customer’s from their regular outlets.

PUZZLE, July 21st, 2010

Previous puzzle: The previous puzzle was a difficult one. The suggested answers are


New Puzzle: Behead a word by removing the first letter of the first (longer) and still have a valid word. There are clues for the two words, the longer word is first.

Example: Begin/Sour, acidic = start and tart (behead start--remove the “s” and that leaves tart).
1. Pass by / Temporary failure
2. Picture / Wizard
3. Brave / Fortunate
4. Enthusiastic meetings / Partners
5. Attacked / Helped
6. Choose / Choose
7. Fragments / Dice game
8. Customary practice / Spiritual mentor

ALL CHANGE! July 21st, 2010

Change the words in the sentence below as indicated. You can only change the exact word in the sequence given; after someone else has posted the next change, then you can post another change. For instance, student 1 writes #1 Subject Noun, and changes the subject noun; Student 2 writes #2 Direct Object Noun, and changes that noun. Each student only makes one change at a time and keeps to the order indicated. If you complete all 7 changes, then start making more changes again from 1 to 7. Each student should build on the changes that the previous students make

My maternal grandparents built the house completely over the ruins below.

Changes: 1. subject noun 2. direct object noun 3. indirect object noun 4. adjective(s) 5. adverb(s) 6. verb name 7. verb tense


Use the type of clause, phrase, or grammar indicated to complete the following sentence; you can add the phrase or clause before or after (not both) to the clause below:

… ... summer is the best time of the year in Canada ... …
1. Use a phrase 2. Use a dependent clause 3. Use an independent clause

VOCABULARY, July 21st, 2010

Vocabulary building is important for both reading comprehension and writing. Use the following two words (note the part of speech) in one sentence.
equanimity      (noun)      +      loquacious      (adjective)
To further improve your vocabulary, check Word of the Day every day! There are also word games and puzzles on this site.


Learning to combine ideas into more complex sentences is an important skill in writing. There are many ways to do this--many possible bonus points! Try to combine the following three sentences.
Sentence 1: There has been more rain than sunshine so far this summer.
Sentence 2:  Summer is more than half way over by now.
Sentence 3: Many people take their holiday in the summer in the hope that the weather will be good.


In case you needed further proof that the human race is doomed through stupidity, here are some actual label instructions on consumer goods ....

On a bag of Fritos -- You could be a winner! No purchase necessary. Details inside.
(the shoplifter special?)

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


n an acrostic, you start with a theme word and use each letter of that word to start another word or phrase that describes the theme word. The acrostic below is based on the theme word SNOW.
……………S Slippery
……………N Numbing
……………O Obliterating
……………W Wintery

Write an acrostic based on one of the following “summer” themes: SUMMER, HOLIDAY, VACATION, SUNSHINE, RELAXATION, NATIONAL PARKS, BEACHES, FESTIVALS.


A cinquain poem is a five-line poem that is diamond-shaped. Start with a theme word (noun) and then use the pattern 1 noun, 2 adjectives, 3 gerunds, 1 full sentence, and finally a synonym for the first noun.
..................Cold, white.....................
..........Falling, freezing, numbing..............
...........It chills fingers and toes.............

Write a cinquain poem based on one of the following “summer” themes: SUMMER, HOLIDAY, VACATION, SUNSHINE, RELAXATION, NATIONAL PARKS, BEACHES, FESTIVALS.

GRAMMAR QUESTION, July 6th, 2010

Correct the errors in the following sentence:

The twin’s were unusual amused, first they entertain there school’s friends’ by telling jokes, than they had chased after the neighboring dog and it was ended when they had imitated their friend’s.

PUZZLE, July 6th, 2010

Previous puzzle: Suggested answers


New Puzzle: Five words that contain EM as a letter-pair have had all of their other letters removed and placed into a pool. Put those letters back in their proper places. What are the words?

*EM**, *EM***, **EM**, ****EM, **EM***

Pool: A, A, C, D, F, H, H, I, I, I, L, N, N, O, P, R, R, S, T, U

Each asterisk represents one missing letter.

ALL CHANGE! July 6th, 2010

Change the words in the sentence below as indicated. You can only change the exact word in the sequence given; after someone else has posted the next change, then you can post another change. For instance, student 1 writes #1 Subject Noun, and changes the subject noun; Student 2 writes #2 Direct Object Noun, and changes that noun. Each student only makes one change at a time and keeps to the order indicated. If you complete all 7 changes, then start making more changes again from 1 to 7. Each student should build on the changes that the previous students make

My wonderful parents lovingly raised their son’s children.

Changes: 1. subject noun 2. direct object noun 3. indirect object noun 4. adjective(s) 5. adverb(s) 6. verb name 7. verb tense


Use the type of clause, phrase, or grammar indicated to complete the following sentence; you can add the phrase or clause before or after (not both) to the clause below:

I have many plans for the summer
1. Use a phrase 2. Use a dependent clause 3. Use an independent clause

VOCABULARY, July 6th, 2010

Vocabulary building is important for both reading comprehension and writing. Use the following two words (note the part of speech) in one sentence.

retort (noun) + supercilious (adjective)

To further improve your vocabulary, check Word of the Day every day! There are also word games and puzzles on this site.


Learning to combine ideas into more complex sentences is an important skill in writing. There are many ways to do this--many possible bonus points! Try to combine the following three sentences.
Sentence 1: A $2,000 car has been introduced in India.
Sentence 2: It is more available and affordable for the masses.
Sentence 3: It will also cause a number of problems both in India and elsewhere.

Monday, June 21, 2010

GRAMMAR QUESTION, June 21st, 2010

Correct the errors in the following sentence:
A visitor to Vietnam must to remember taking their anti-malaria medicine regular to be affective preventing them from sickness and it would spoil the trip.

(The "problems" will be discussed in the next edition of the blog.)

PUZZLE, June 21st, 2010

Congratulations to Ashlee for solving last week's puzzle.

Previous puzzle: Suggested answers
1. Rode - Can = rod/cane
2. Font - Farce = front/face
3. Tory - Stale = story/tale
4. Dire - Cash = die/crash
5. Self - Shill = shelf/sill

New Puzzle: Five words that contain OD as a letter-pair have had all of their other letters removed and placed into a pool. Put those letters back in their proper places. What are the words?

*OD**, ***OD, *OD***, **OD***, ****OD*

Pool: A, B, C, C, C, E, E, E, H, I, L, M, N, P, R, S, T, T, U, Y
Each asterisk represents one missing letter.

ALL CHANGE! June 21st, 2010

Change the words in the sentence below as indicated. You can only change the exact word in the sequence given; after someone else has posted the next change, then you can post another change. For instance, student 1 writes #1 Subject Noun, and changes the subject noun; Student 2 writes #2 Direct Object Noun, and changes that noun. Each student only makes one change at a time and keeps to the order indicated. If you complete all 7 changes, then start making more changes again from 1 to 7. Each student should build on the changes that the previous students make

Caring parents skillfully nurture their children's talents.

Changes: 1. subject noun        2. direct object noun               3. indirect object noun                4. adjective(s)      5. adverb(s)           6. verb name           7. verb tense


Use the type of clause, phrase, or grammar indicated to complete the following sentence in each of the three ways indicated; you can add the phrase or clause before or after (not both) to the clause below:

Canada Day is on Thursday this week
1. Use a phrase      2. Use a dependent clause      3. Use an independent clause

VOCABULARY, June 21st, 2010

Vocabulary building is important for both reading comprehension and writing. Use the following two words (note the part of speech) in one sentence.

irrevocably (adverb) + propensity (noun)

To further improve your vocabulary, check Word of the Day every day! There are also word games and puzzles on this site.

PLAIN ENGLISH, June 21st, 2010

Writing clear, direct English is particularly important in a business context. Please rewrite the following item; there are many different but correct ways of doing this.

At the end of the day, we would be failing in our responsibility to those other subscribers who have faithfully kept their promise to support our very worthy cause, if we did not request that you similarly fulfill your obligation to us.

Hint: Check Chapter 9 of Barron's Business English, and avoid using the passive voice and other wordy construction!


Learning to combine ideas into more complex sentences is an important skill in writing. There are many ways to do this--many possible bonus points! Try to combine the following three sentences.
Sentence 1: Canada Day falls in the middle of the week this year.
Sentence 2: The fireworks display is also really good, but it happens very late because of the long daylight hours.
Sentence 3: The July 1st holiday is a great way to start the new month.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

GRAMMAR QUESTION, June 9th, 2010

Correct the errors in the following sentence:
Everyone of the runners who are in the race are here but we can't get started with the first ones until you line up on a starting line.

PUZZLE, June 9th, 2010

Previous puzzle: Congratulations to Colin for solving the previous puzzle. Suggested answers
word pair              answer
1. Flat/Pump       =fat/plump
2. Feather/Crate =father/create
3. Bet/Stop        =best/top
4. Ear/Trip         =tear/rip
5. Lopes/Shills   =slopes/hills

New Puzzle: move a single letter from one word to the other, make a pair of synonyms, or near synonyms. For example: Boast - Hip, move the 's' from 'Boast' to 'Hip' creating two synonyms: Boat - Ship.

1. Rode - Can =
2. Font - Farce =
3. Tory - Stale =
4. Dire - Cash =
5. Self - Shill =

ALL CHANGE! June 9th, 2010

Change the words in the sentence below as indicated. You can only change the exact word in the sequence given; after someone else has posted the next change, then you can post another change. For instance, student 1 writes #1 Subject Noun, and changes the subject noun; Student 2 writes #2 Direct Object Noun, and changes that noun. Each student only makes one change at a time and keeps to the order indicated. If you complete all 7 changes, then start making more changes again from 1 to 7. Each student should build on the changes that the previous students make

My younger brother happily lent his best friend his new bicycle.
Changes: 1. subject noun       2. direct object noun             3. indirect object noun              4. adjective(s)      5. adverb(s)           6. verb name           7. verb tense


Use each (all three) type of clause, phrase, or grammar indicated to complete the following sentence; you can add the phrase or clause before or after (not both) to the clause below:

I welcome the chance to celebrate Father’s Day
1. Use a phrase 2. Use a dependent clause 3. Use an independent clause

VOCABULARY, June 9th, 2010

Vocabulary building is important for both reading comprehension and writing. Use the following two words (note the part of speech) in one sentence.
autonomy (noun) + discredit (verb)
To further improve your vocabulary, check Word of the Day every day! There are also word games and puzzles on this site.


Learning to combine ideas into more complex sentences is an important skill in writing. There are many ways to do this--many possible bonus points! Try to combine the following three sentences.
Sentence 1: Sita asked if Father’s Day was just another marketing gimmick.
Sentence 2: Cory replied that because his father was the best, he was happy to have an excuse to let him know that.
Sentence 3: Cory also said that it was possible to appreciate fathers without participating in the marketing hype.

Friday, May 28, 2010

GRAMMAR QUESTION, May 28th, 2010

Correct the errors in the following sentence:
For instant; the way in which the correspondents course differ then classrooms , is that the equipments' costs are very expensive  for  students are ought to have computer, internet, and another modern up to date things.

PUZZLE, May 28th, 2010

Previous puzzle: Suggested answers
1.    stop doing--that thing                           (quit/it)
2.    peculiar behaviour--annoy                      (quirk/irk)
3.    subatomic particle--large boat                 (quark/ark)
4.    small game bird--to be unwell                   (quail/ail)
5.    large feather pen--unwell;faulty               (quill/ill)
6.    nausea; uncomfortable--simple                   (queasy/easy)
7.    unit of liquid measure--product of creativity  (quart/art)
8.    misgivings; scruples--donations to the poor    (qualms/alms)

New Puzzle:  move a single letter from one word to the other, make a pair of synonyms, or near synonyms. For example: Boast - Hip, move the 's' from 'Boast' to 'Hip' creating two synonyms: Boat - Ship.
1. Flat / Pump ?
2. Feather / Crate ?
3. Bet / Stop ?
4. Ear / Trip ?
5. Lopes / Shills ?

ALL CHANGE! May 28th, 2010

Change the words in the sentence below as indicated. You can only change the exact word in the sequence given; after someone else has posted the next change, then you can post another change. For instance, student 1 writes #1 Subject Noun, and changes the subject noun; Student 2 writes #2 Direct Object Noun, and changes that noun. Each student only makes one change at a time and keeps to the order indicated. If you complete all 7 changes, then start making more changes again from 1 to 7. Each student should build on the changes that the previous students make

The simple answer generally hides the deeper complexity of an issue.

Changes: 1. subject noun 2. direct object noun 3. indirect object noun 4. adjective(s) 5. adverb(s) 6. verb name 7. verb tense


Use the type of clause, phrase, or grammar indicated to complete the following sentence; you can add the phrase or clause before or after (not both) to the clause below:

I find it harder to study in summer …
1. Use a phrase 2. Use a dependent clause 3. Use an independent clause

VOCABULARY, May 28th, 2010

Vocabulary building is important for both reading comprehension and writing. Use the following two words (note the part of speech) in one sentence.

circumlocution (noun) + either adverse (adjective) or adversely (adverb)
To further improve your vocabulary, check Word of the Day every day! There are also word games and puzzles on this site.

Friday, May 14, 2010

GRAMMAR QUESTION, May 14th, 2010

Correct the errors in the following sentence:
Every one: women, elders, and children were cried when we had arrived with the survivors who had terrifyingly been injured and burned in a crushable plain.

PUZZLE, May 14th, 2010

Previous puzzle: Suggested answers
original word (a)
original word (b)
new word (a)
new word (b)

New Puzzle:  Let’s “behead” a few more words;-)
Remove the first letter and still have a valid word. The clue for the longer of the two words is first (behead the first word).
Example: a. Begin  b. Sour, acidic         Answer: Start and Tart.

Word A
Word B
stop doing
that thing
peculiar behaviour
subatomic particle
large boat
small game bird
to be unwell
large feather pen
unwell; faulty
nausea; uncomfortable
unit of liquid measure
product of creativity
misgivings; scruples
donations to the poor

ALL CHANGE! May 14th, 2010

Change the words in the sentence below as indicated. You can only change the exact word in the sequence given; after someone else has posted the next change, then you can post another change. For instance, student 1 writes #1 Subject Noun, and changes the subject noun; Student 2 writes #2 Direct Object Noun, and changes that noun. Each student only makes one change at a time and keeps to the order indicated. If you complete all 7 changes, then start making more changes again from 1 to 7. Each student should build on the changes that the previous students make

A small deer lazily nibbled the lush grass around the tall trees.
Changes:  1. subject noun   2. direct object noun                 3. indirect object noun                       4. adjective(s)      5. adverb(s)           6. verb name           7. verb tense


Use the type of clause, phrase, or grammar indicated to complete the following sentence; you can add the phrase or clause before or after (not both) to the clause below:

... hockey season will soon be over ...

1. Use a phrase            2. Use a dependent clause        3. Use an independent clause

VOCABULARY, May 14th, 2010

Vocabulary building is important for both reading comprehension and writing. Use the following two words (note the part of speech) in one sentence.

proclivity (noun) + obsessive (adjective)

To further improve your vocabulary, check Word of the Day every day! There are also word games and puzzles on this site.


Learning to combine ideas into more complex sentences is an important skill in writing. There are many ways to do this--many possible bonus points! Try to combine the following three sentences.
Sentence 1: Victoria Day is celebrated only in Canada.
Sentence 2: It is always celebrated on the 3rd Monday of May.
Sentence 3: May 18th is the earliest date it can occur; the latest is May 25th.

Monday, May 3, 2010


Correct the errors in the following sentence:

If you shouldn't mind me to ask where you are going when me and my sister’s seen you last week as you had been getting on bus on the Main street.

Remember that there is more than one possible correct answer.

PUZZLE, May 3rd, 2010

Previous puzzle: Suggested answers
1. a. Outer layer                       b. Oxidized metal          Crust / Rust
2. a. Defraud; violate rules        b. Thermal energy in transit  Cheat / Heat
3. a. Sensation of cold b. Local land elevation Chill / Hill
4. a. Go upward                       b. Jointed appendage; branch Climb / Limb
5. a. Strong metal rope             b. Having necessary skill  Cable / Able
6. a. Confined; restrained          b. Old; grew older  Caged / Aged
7. a. Stop; discontinue b. Freedom from hardship  Cease / Ease
8. a. Lacking dirt                      b. Lacking fat 8. Clean / Lean

New Puzzle: Take the given words, and by moving a single letter from one word to the other, make a pair of synonyms, or near synonyms. For example, given: Boast - Hip, move the 's' from 'Boast' to 'Hip' creating two synonyms: Boat - Ship.

1. Burn - Bead
2. Rid - Tripe
3. Grove - Rout
4. Charm - Rush
5. Cream - Sweep

ALL CHANGE! May 3rd, 2010

Change the words in the sentence below as indicated. You can only change the exact word in the sequence given; after someone else has posted the next change, then you can post another change. For instance, student 1 writes #1 Subject Noun, and changes the subject noun; Student 2 writes #2 Direct Object Noun, and changes that noun. Each student only makes one change at a time and keeps to the order indicated. If you complete all 7 changes, then start making more changes again from 1 to 7. Each student should build on the changes that the previous students make

The hungry girl quickly ate the tasty food on her plate.

Changes: 1. subject noun   2. direct object noun                 3. indirect object noun                       4. adjective(s)      5. adverb(s)           6. verb name           7. verb tense

VOCABULARY, May 3rd, 2010

Vocabulary building is important for both reading comprehension and writing. Use the following two words (note the part of speech) in one sentence.

Recidivist or recidevism (noun) + gratuitous (adjective)

To further improve your vocabulary, check Word of the Day every day! There are also word games and puzzles on this site.


Use the type of clause, phrase, or grammar indicated to complete the following sentence; you can add the phrase or clause before or after (not both) to the clause below:

...Mother’s Day is a very special celebration...

1. Use a phrase 2. Use a dependent clause 3. Use an independent clause


Learning to combine ideas into more complex sentences is an important skill in writing. There are many ways to do this--many possible bonus points! Try to combine the following three sentences.

Sentence 1: In many countries, Mother’s Day is celebrated in early May.
Sentence 2: In some countries Mothering Sunday is a church celebration held in March.
Sentence 3:  The date of the celebration is irrelevant as the significant thing is to honour the importance of our mothers in our lives.

Friday, April 23, 2010

GRAMMAR QUESTION, Apr. 23rd, 2010

Correct the errors in the following sentence:
Samirs always been borrowing his red stylish sporty-looking newer car to his brother who’s lending it while his old battered rust-spotted white vehicle is in the garage for repairing.
Remember that there is more than one possible correct answer.

PUZZLE, Apr. 23rd, 2010

Previous puzzle: Suggested answers
1. a. Barrier b. Everything.....Wall/All
2. a. Full amount b. An opening.....Whole/Hole
3. a. Season b. Bury.....Winter/Inter
4. a. Roll around in mud b. Permit.....Wallow/Allow
5. a. Females b. Prophetic sign.....Women/Omen
6. a.Twist forcibly b. Circular band.....Wring/Ring
7. a.Being victorious b. Baseball game division.....Winning/Inning
8. a. One of the five W's b. Head covering.....What/Hat

New Puzzle: When beheading a word, remove the first letter and still have a valid word. The clue for, longer of the two words is first (behead the first word).

Example: a. Begin b. Sour, acidic Answer: Start and Tart.

1. a. Outer layer b. Oxidized metal
2. a. Defraud; violate rules b. Thermal energy in transit
3. a. Sensation of cold b. Local land elevation
4. a. Go upward b. Jointed appendage; branch
5. a. Strong metal rope b. Having necessary skill
6. a. Confined; restrained b. Old; grew older
7. a. Stop; discontinue b. Freedom from hardship
8. a. Lacking dirt b. Lacking fat

ALL CHANGE! Apr. 23rd, 2010

Change the words in the sentence below as indicated. You can only change the exact word in the sequence given; after someone else has posted the next change, then you can post another change. For instance, student 1 writes #1 Subject Noun, and changes the subject noun; Student 2 writes #2 Direct Object Noun, and changes that noun. Each student only makes one change at a time and keeps to the order indicated. If you complete all 7 changes, then start making more changes again from 1 to 7. Each student should build on the changes that the previous students make.

The young man enthusiastically took the sociology course at the local college.

1. subject noun 2. direct object noun 3. indirect object noun
4. adjective(s) 5. adverb(s) 6. verb name 7. verb tense


Use the type of clause, phrase, or grammar indicated to complete the following sentence; you can add the phrase or clause before or after (not both) to the clause below:

... April is a month that can't seem to make up its mind ...

1. Use a phrase            2. Use a dependent clause        3. Use an independent clause

VOCABULARY, Apr. 23rd, 2010

Vocabulary building is important for both reading comprehension and writing. Use the following two words (note the part of speech) in one sentence.

anachronism (noun)   + either   perverse (adjective) or perversely (adverb)

To further improve your vocabulary, check Word of the Day every day! There are also word games and puzzles on this site.


Learning to combine ideas into more complex sentences is an important skill in writing. There are many ways to do this--many possible bonus points! Try to combine the following three sentences.

Sentence 1: The Immigrant Access Fund provides loans for internationally trained immigrants.
Sentence 2: Many immigrant professionals find it hard to pursue their careers in Canada because of accreditation difficulties.
Sentence 3: The loans help pay the costs associated with accreditation, training, or upgrading.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

GRAMMAR QUESTION, Apr. 13th, 2010

Correct the errors in the following sentence:

The blue foreign unusual car has been driving erratic when it'd went off the road and the driver Jack Lemay is injured serious.

Remember that there is more than one possible correct answer.

PUZZLE, Apr. 13th, 2010

Previous puzzle: Suggested answers
1. a. Mark left after healing b. Vehicle...............scar/car
2. a. To have hit b. Vehicle...............struck/truck
3. a. Intelligent b. Individual
4. a. Tiny b. Large retail complex..small/mall
5. a. Take illegally b. Bluish green .........steal/teal
6. a. Clean the floor b. Cry...................sweep/weep
7. a. Expressed in words b. Give assistance ......said/aid
8. a. Talk b. Highest level.........summit speak/peak

New Puzzle: When beheading a word, remove the first letter and still have a valid word. The clue for, longer of the two words is first (behead the first word).
Example: a. Begin b. Sour, acidic Answer: Start and Tart.

1. a. Barrier b. Everything
2. a. Full amount b. An opening
3. a. Season b. Bury
4. a. Roll around in mud b. Permit
5. a. Females b. Prophetic sign
6. a.Twist forcibly b. Circular band
7. a.Being victorious b. Baseball game division
8. a. One of the five W's b. Head covering

ALL CHANGE! Apr. 13th, 2010

Change the words in the sentence below as indicated. You can only change the exact word in the sequence given; after someone else has posted the next change, then you can post another change. For instance, student 1 writes #1 Subject Noun, and changes the subject noun; Student 2 writes #2 Direct Object Noun, and changes that noun. Each student only makes one change at a time and keeps to the order indicated. If you complete all 7 changes, then start making more changes again from 1 to 7. Each student should build on the changes that the previous students make.

The avid gardener waited for Easter before excitedly planting her flower beds.

1. subject noun 2. direct object noun 3. indirect object noun
4. adjective(s) 5. adverb(s) 6. verb name 7. verb tense


Learning to combine ideas into more complex sentences is an important skill in writing. There are many ways to do this--many possible bonus points! Try to combine the following three sentences.

1. The celebration of Earth Day is associated with spring.

2. In many parts of Canada, spring doesn’t arrive until May.

3. Yesterday, when I woke up, there was fresh snow on the ground, and snow can occur through May.


Use the type of clause, phrase, or grammar indicated to complete the following sentence; you can add the phrase or clause before or after (not both) to the clause below:

…This year I will celebrate Earth Day …

1. Use a phrase 2. Use a dependent clause 3. Use an independent clause

VOCABULARY, Apr. 13th, 2010

Vocabulary building is important for both reading comprehension and writing. Use the following two words (note the part of speech) in one sentence.

incredulous (adjective) + antagonist (noun)

To further improve your vocabulary, check Word of the Day every day! There are also word games and puzzles on this site.


Some paradoxes:

How can a slim chance and a fat chance be the same, while a wise man and a wise guy are opposites? You have to marvel at the unique lunacy of a language in which your house can burn up as it burns down, in which you fill in a form by filling it out and in which, an alarm goes off by going on.

Friday, March 19, 2010


Learning to combine ideas into more complex sentences is an important skill in writing. There are many ways to do this--many possible bonus points! Try to combine the following three sentences.

Sentence 1: Easter is a four-day weekend for most of us.
Sentence 2: Many people eat too much chocolate over this holiday period.
Sentence 3: Many of the symbols associated with Easter come from ancient spring-time celebrations.

Monday, March 8, 2010


If you want to participate in the peer editing option for assignment 7 in April, please sign up by posting a response to this announcement by March 29th. We need at least three participants to open this option. You should plan to post your assignment within the first two weeks of the month so that the others in the group have an opportunity to provide feedback and revise their assignments.

Note: This option is now available through moodle.