Saturday, September 15, 2007

ALL CHANGE! September 15th

Change the words in the sentence below as indicated. You can only change the exact word in the sequence given; after someone else has posted the next change, then you can post another change. Student 1 writes #1 Subject Noun, and changes the subject noun; Student 2 writes #2 Direct Object Noun, and changes that noun. Each student only makes one change at a time and keeps to the order indicated.If you complete all 7 changes, then start making more changes again from 1 to 8.

Rachida quickly gave her young son a hug before he went to school.

1. change the subject noun 2. change the direct object noun
3. change the indirect object noun 4. change the verb
5. change the adjective 6. change the adverb of manner
7. change the verb tense 8. change the adverb clause of time


Anonymous said...

She quickly gave her young son a hug before he went to school.

richard said...

She quickly gave her young son a book before he went to school.

Veronica Baig said...

Irena: Yes, but it would have been better to use another noun rather than a pronoun--too many pronouns can get confusing later one!
Richard: Good.
Don't forget to label the change you are making: #1 noun, #2 Direct object, etc.