Tuesday, June 26, 2007


Use the type of clause/phrase indicated to either start or finish the following clause:

The atmosphere in the office was uncomfortable ...

1. Use a phrase
2. Use a dependent clause
3. Use an independent clause

you can still see previous Sentence Completion questions; they are posted in the 2006/2007 archive in the side bar.


Anonymous said...

1. Recently, the atmosphere in the office was uncomfortable.

2. The atmosphere in the office was uncomfortable, because a new boss has been hired.

3. The atmosphere in the office was uncomfortable, and Clara wants a salary rise.

Veronica Baig said...

Karine: Yes, but a phrase is more than one word and you need to check the punctuation with dependent clauses. Note that we usually use the word "raise" when it comes to salaries.

Anonymous said...

1. At work yesterday, the atmosphere in the office was uncomfortable.
2. When Sonia walked in, the atmosphere in the office was uncomfortable.
3. The atmosphere in the office was uncomfortable,and Sonia felt it would be best to leave.

Veronica Baig said...

Irena: Very good :-)