Monday, December 10, 2007


Vocabulary building is important for both reading comprehension and writing. Use the following two words (note the part of speech) in one sentence.

diffident (adjective) + superimpose (verb)

Answers will be saved to the Blog archive.


Anonymous said...

He diffidently superimposed the blame on me.

Margaret said...

She had a diffident demeanor when asked to superimpose the image on the display poster.

Veronica Baig said...

Tammy: Yes, but your usage of "superimposed" isn't quite right.
Margaret: Good.

Anonymous said...

In art I superimposed the wrong pictures onto my project, I diffidently explained this to my teacher.

Anonymous said...

In art, I superimposed the wrong pictures onto my project, I diffidently explained this to my teacher.

Veronica Baig said...

Tammy: That's better apart from the punctuation (2 independent clauses);-)

richard said...

When she told the anecdote, the diffident young girl superimposed her own explanation.

Veronica Baig said...

Richard: Excellent:-)

Anonymous said...

In art class I superimposed the wrong pictures onto my project and I diffidently explained this to my teacher.

Veronica Baig said...

Tammy: You still haven't solved the punctuation problem;-)