Friday, May 28, 2010

PUZZLE, May 28th, 2010

Previous puzzle: Suggested answers
1.    stop doing--that thing                           (quit/it)
2.    peculiar behaviour--annoy                      (quirk/irk)
3.    subatomic particle--large boat                 (quark/ark)
4.    small game bird--to be unwell                   (quail/ail)
5.    large feather pen--unwell;faulty               (quill/ill)
6.    nausea; uncomfortable--simple                   (queasy/easy)
7.    unit of liquid measure--product of creativity  (quart/art)
8.    misgivings; scruples--donations to the poor    (qualms/alms)

New Puzzle:  move a single letter from one word to the other, make a pair of synonyms, or near synonyms. For example: Boast - Hip, move the 's' from 'Boast' to 'Hip' creating two synonyms: Boat - Ship.
1. Flat / Pump ?
2. Feather / Crate ?
3. Bet / Stop ?
4. Ear / Trip ?
5. Lopes / Shills ?


Colin Hatch said...

Fat / Plump
Father / Create
Best / Top
Tear / Rip
Slopes / Hills

Veronica Baig said...

COLIN: Congratulations:-))