Wednesday, July 21, 2010

GRAMMAR QUESTION, July 21st, 2010

Correct the errors in the following sentence:

Seeing that starbucks’ opens at safeway stores now and they had also opened at many book stores’;  I wonder if it would now loose customer’s from their regular outlets.


neilm said...

Now that Starbucks is open in Safeway stores as well as bookstores, they could lose customers from their regular outlets.

Veronica Baig said...

NEIL: This a good contribution--now see if you can find a rather tricky agreement problem that is still there;-)

Anonymous said...

Now that Starbucks are open at Safeway as well as many bookstores, I wonder if they would lose customers from their regualr outlets.

Veronica Baig said...

ANONYMOUS: There are some agreement issues herem and check your modal verb usage;-) PLEASE IDENTIFY YOURSELF--first name (choose the Name/URL option button from the menu available when you post a comment. If there's no name, I can't give you bonus points;-)

Anonymous said...

Now that Starbucks is open at Safeways as well as many bookstores, I wonder if it is losing customers from their regular stores.

If I still don't get this one, would you give me a big hint?

Anyway, can I ask something else that is not related to this post in this blog? I am a student of AU.

Veronica Baig said...

ANONYMOUS: That's a good solution:-) The answers are always provided in the Course Announcement section of the next "edition". PLEASE IDENTIFY YOURSELF--if you are a student in Engl 189, you should get credit for your answers. If not, it's all right, but I have a lot of students who start out as "anonymous" by accident, so please let me know your situation.

neilm said...

How about:

With Starbucks opening in Safeway stores in addition to bookstores, they could lose customers at their regular outlets.

Veronica Baig said...

NEIL:That tricky agreement problem is still there;-)

Colin Hatch said...

With Starbucks opening in Safeway and book stores, they could lose customers at their regular stores.

Veronica Baig said...

COLIN: Yes, but the "problems" are already out there in the Course Announcement. See the new blog site--the link is in the welcome message on this blog;-)