Thursday, March 27, 2008


Use the type of clause, phrase, or grammar indicated to complete the following sentence; you can add the phrase or clause before or after the clause below:

... it will be good to have some time off over the Easter holiday ...

1. Use a phrase
2. Use a dependent clause
3. Use an independent clause

Note:you can still see previous Sentence Completion questions; they are posted in the archive in the side bar.


Margaret said...

1. For teenagers, it will be good to have some time off over the Easter holiday.
2. Because we celebrate religious holidays be having big family gatherings, it will be good to have some time off over the Easter holiday.
3. It will be good to have some time off over the Easter holiday; enjoying lazy mornings and relaxed schedules with the family is fun.

Veronica Baig said...

Margaret: Excellent--just note the typo in #2.

Irena said...

1. Because of a long winter, it will be good to have some time off over Easter holiday.
2. It will be good to have some time off over Easter holiday when my aunt Olga comes for a visit.
3. It will be good to have some time off over Easter holiday; we can finally enjoy our time together as a family.

Kelsey said...

1. It will be good to have some time off over the Easter holiday to sleep in.
2. It will be good to have some time off over the Easter holiday because I want to sleep in.
3. It will be good to have some time off over the Easter holiday; I plan to sleep in.

Tammy said...

1. It will be good to have some time off over the Easter holiday to rest.

2. As I have been working so hard, it will be good to have some time off over the Easter holiday.

3. It will be good to have some time off over the Easter holiday; visiting with my friends.

Janine said...

1.It will be good to have some time off over the Easter holiday to visit with my dad.
2.It will be good to have some time off over the Easter holiday as we are expected to attend church.
3.It will be good to have some time off over the Easter holiday; however, busy schedules make it hard to relax.

Veronica Baig said...

Irena: Excellent.
Kelsey: Great--those sentences really show the difference in the grammatical structures.
Tammy: #s 1 and 2--good; #3--that's not an independent clause; it's just a phrase:-(
Janine: Good sentences.