Correct the errors in the following sentence:
Coming down the hill, we seen the truck driving to fast and couldn't of stopped before hitting a car on the intersection: there were debris laying all over the road.
Note: you can still see previous Grammar Questions; they are posted in the archive in the side bar and listed a year previous to their date of posting.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
PUZZLE Dec. 21
Here is the answer to last week’s puzzle.
1. blankout + beep = bleep
2. pain + sting = pang
3. haggle + tussle = hassle
4. dumb + confound = dumbfound
5. ditsy + dotty = ditty
New Puzzle
Can you identify the language of the following greetings--each one means “Merry Christmas”. Each student identify just one of the languages before allowing another student a chance--there are plenty of opportunities!
1. Gesëende Kersfees
2. Boas Festas
3. Prejeme Vam Vesele Vanoce a stastny Novy Rock
4. Glaedelig Jul
5. Felice Navidad
6. Hyvää Joulua
7. Joyeux Noel
8. Froehliche Weihnachten
9. Kala Christouyenna
10. Mele Kalikimaka
11. Merry Christmas, Bada Din Mubarak
12. Nollaig Shona Dhuit
13. Bono Natale
14. Shinnen omedeto
15. Kuwa na Krismasi njema
16. Sung Tan Chuk Ha
17. Linksmu Kaledu
18. Feliz Navidad
19. Natale hilare
20. Maligayang Pasko
21. Wesolych Swiat Bozego
22. Narodzenia
23. Feliz Natal, Gajan Kristnaskon
24. Srozhdestovm Kristovim
25. Suksun Wan Christmas
26. Chuc Mung Giang Sinh
27. Nadolig Llawen
Here is the answer to last week’s puzzle.
1. blankout + beep = bleep
2. pain + sting = pang
3. haggle + tussle = hassle
4. dumb + confound = dumbfound
5. ditsy + dotty = ditty
New Puzzle
Can you identify the language of the following greetings--each one means “Merry Christmas”. Each student identify just one of the languages before allowing another student a chance--there are plenty of opportunities!
1. Gesëende Kersfees
2. Boas Festas
3. Prejeme Vam Vesele Vanoce a stastny Novy Rock
4. Glaedelig Jul
5. Felice Navidad
6. Hyvää Joulua
7. Joyeux Noel
8. Froehliche Weihnachten
9. Kala Christouyenna
10. Mele Kalikimaka
11. Merry Christmas, Bada Din Mubarak
12. Nollaig Shona Dhuit
13. Bono Natale
14. Shinnen omedeto
15. Kuwa na Krismasi njema
16. Sung Tan Chuk Ha
17. Linksmu Kaledu
18. Feliz Navidad
19. Natale hilare
20. Maligayang Pasko
21. Wesolych Swiat Bozego
22. Narodzenia
23. Feliz Natal, Gajan Kristnaskon
24. Srozhdestovm Kristovim
25. Suksun Wan Christmas
26. Chuc Mung Giang Sinh
27. Nadolig Llawen
Thursday, December 11, 2008

Welcome to Kathleen, Kong, and Shu-Chao who are joining the course in December. We hope you will enjoy the course and that you will participate in the blog.
Another student has successfully completed the course; congratulations to Jonathan: well done:-)
We would like to wish all of our Jewish students a Happy Hanukkah. F
The team is real happy that they won the game so easy and now the players recover from the party they had thrown afterwards.
1. Subject-verb agreement: In this sentence, “team” is plural; notice the use of the plural pronoun “they” to refer to the team. Change the verb “is” to “are”.
2. Word form: use an adverb to modify an adjective--change “real” to “really”.
3. Word form: use an adverb to modify a verb; “easy” modifies “won”, so change it to “easily”.
4. Verb tense: for something that is occurring at the present time, use the present progressive tense: change “recover” to “are recovering”.
5. Verb tense: the past perfect tense refers to something that happened before another event in the past, but the party happened after the game. For this reason, use the simple past “threw”.
6. Punctuation: When two independent clauses are separated by a coordinating conjunction (and), use a comma before that conjunction.
Next blog: Monday, December 21st.

Welcome to Kathleen, Kong, and Shu-Chao who are joining the course in December. We hope you will enjoy the course and that you will participate in the blog.
Another student has successfully completed the course; congratulations to Jonathan: well done:-)
We would like to wish all of our Jewish students a Happy Hanukkah. F
The team is real happy that they won the game so easy and now the players recover from the party they had thrown afterwards.
1. Subject-verb agreement: In this sentence, “team” is plural; notice the use of the plural pronoun “they” to refer to the team. Change the verb “is” to “are”.
2. Word form: use an adverb to modify an adjective--change “real” to “really”.
3. Word form: use an adverb to modify a verb; “easy” modifies “won”, so change it to “easily”.
4. Verb tense: for something that is occurring at the present time, use the present progressive tense: change “recover” to “are recovering”.
5. Verb tense: the past perfect tense refers to something that happened before another event in the past, but the party happened after the game. For this reason, use the simple past “threw”.
6. Punctuation: When two independent clauses are separated by a coordinating conjunction (and), use a comma before that conjunction.
Next blog: Monday, December 21th.
Correct the errors in the following sentence:
An economic prof at Simon Fraser university describes Canada that it is an over weight country who needs going on the low-carb diet--low in carbons emissions--and loose some weight.
Note: you can still see previous Grammar Questions; they are posted in the archive in the side bar and listed a year previous to their date of posting.
An economic prof at Simon Fraser university describes Canada that it is an over weight country who needs going on the low-carb diet--low in carbons emissions--and loose some weight.
Note: you can still see previous Grammar Questions; they are posted in the archive in the side bar and listed a year previous to their date of posting.
PUZZLE, Dec. 11
Here are the answers to last week's puzzle:
1. bold + rash = brash
2. chuckle + snort = chortle
3. internal + communication = intercom
4. blow + spurt = blurt
5. flutter + hurry = flurry
What are the blended words that have come from the following pairs of words:
1. blankout + beep
2. pain + sting
3. haggle + tussle
4. dumb + confound
5. ditsy + dotty
1. bold + rash = brash
2. chuckle + snort = chortle
3. internal + communication = intercom
4. blow + spurt = blurt
5. flutter + hurry = flurry
What are the blended words that have come from the following pairs of words:
1. blankout + beep
2. pain + sting
3. haggle + tussle
4. dumb + confound
5. ditsy + dotty
ALL CHANGE Dec. 11, 2009
Change the words in the sentence below as indicated. You can only change the exact word in the sequence given; after someone else has posted the next change, then you can post another change. For instance, student 1 writes #1 Subject Noun, and changes the subject noun; Student 2 writes #2 Direct Object Noun, and changes that noun. Each student only makes one change at a time and keeps to the order indicated.If you complete all 7 changes, then start making more changes again from 1 to 7. Each student should build on the changes that the previous students make.
Susan is still eating candy from last Halloween.
1. change the subject noun 2. change the direct object noun
3. change the indirect object noun 4. change the adjective
5. change the adverb 6. change the verb name
7. change the verb tense
Susan is still eating candy from last Halloween.
1. change the subject noun 2. change the direct object noun
3. change the indirect object noun 4. change the adjective
5. change the adverb 6. change the verb name
7. change the verb tense
Learning to combine ideas into more complex sentences is an important skill in writing. There are many ways to do this--many possible bonus points! Try to combine the following three sentences.
Sentence 1: The snowfall lay heavily on the ground.
Sentence 2: People were shovelling driveways and sidewalks and piling up snow into snow mountains.
Sentence 3: There was little traffic on the roads until the snow ploughs had cleared the major routes.
Check the archives for previous questions and answers.
Sentence 1: The snowfall lay heavily on the ground.
Sentence 2: People were shovelling driveways and sidewalks and piling up snow into snow mountains.
Sentence 3: There was little traffic on the roads until the snow ploughs had cleared the major routes.
Check the archives for previous questions and answers.
Vocabulary building is important for both reading comprehension and writing. Use the following two words (note the part of speech) in one sentence.
disproportionate (adjective) + antipathy (noun)
To further improve your vocabulary, check Word of the Day every day! There are also word games and puzzles on this site.
disproportionate (adjective) + antipathy (noun)
To further improve your vocabulary, check Word of the Day every day! There are also word games and puzzles on this site.
PLAIN ENGLISH, Dec. 11, 09
span style="font-style:italic;">Writing clear, direct English is particularly important in a business context. Please rewrite the following item; there are many different but correct ways of doing this.
During the whole of the time period, twenty-five long years, that he was employed by ABC Securities, our colleague, Mr. Sanchez, was solely responsible of the institution of numerous reforms that are being used in the company to this date; he is wished all the best as he begins his well-earned retirement.
Hint: Check Chapter 9 of Barron's Business English, and avoid using the passive voice and other wordy construction!
During the whole of the time period, twenty-five long years, that he was employed by ABC Securities, our colleague, Mr. Sanchez, was solely responsible of the institution of numerous reforms that are being used in the company to this date; he is wished all the best as he begins his well-earned retirement.
Hint: Check Chapter 9 of Barron's Business English, and avoid using the passive voice and other wordy construction!
Monday, December 1, 2008
Welcome to Kathleen, Kong, and Shu-Chao who are joining the course in December. We hope you will enjoy the course and that you will participate in the blog.
Another student has successfully completed the course; congratulations to Jonathan: well done:-)
The blogger (Veronica) will be away between Dec. 5th and Jan. 4th. In her absence, Tamara Renkas (tamaraAT…) will coordinate the blog. Look forward to some holiday specials coming up and keep on participating!
While I had arrived in Paris neither the bus or the trains was running, the following day the buses ran and trains had been started to move later at the afternoon.
1. Word confusion: “while” indicates that something else was happening at the same time; here you need “when”.
2. Verb tense: instead of the past perfect “had arrived” use the simple past “arrived”.
3. Paired conjunction: the paired negative conjunction is “neither … nor.”
4. Subject-verb agreement: With a paired conjunction, the nearest subject to the verb determines the number. Because “trains” is plural, change the singular verb “was” to “were.”
5. Verb tense: the buses ran all day, so use the past progressive “were running”.
6. Verb tense/voice: “had been started” is the passive voice of the past perfect; here the simple past of the active voice “started” is needed.
7. Preposition usage: While you should use “at” with a specific time, for a more general time such as “the afternoon”, use “in”.
8. Punctuation: There are two independent clauses without a coordinating conjunction, so separate them with a semicolon instead of a comma.
Next blog: Friday, December 11th.
Welcome to Kathleen, Kong, and Shu-Chao who are joining the course in December. We hope you will enjoy the course and that you will participate in the blog.
Another student has successfully completed the course; congratulations to Jonathan: well done:-)
The blogger (Veronica) will be away between Dec. 5th and Jan. 4th. In her absence, Tamara Renkas (tamaraAT…) will coordinate the blog. Look forward to some holiday specials coming up and keep on participating!
While I had arrived in Paris neither the bus or the trains was running, the following day the buses ran and trains had been started to move later at the afternoon.
1. Word confusion: “while” indicates that something else was happening at the same time; here you need “when”.
2. Verb tense: instead of the past perfect “had arrived” use the simple past “arrived”.
3. Paired conjunction: the paired negative conjunction is “neither … nor.”
4. Subject-verb agreement: With a paired conjunction, the nearest subject to the verb determines the number. Because “trains” is plural, change the singular verb “was” to “were.”
5. Verb tense: the buses ran all day, so use the past progressive “were running”.
6. Verb tense/voice: “had been started” is the passive voice of the past perfect; here the simple past of the active voice “started” is needed.
7. Preposition usage: While you should use “at” with a specific time, for a more general time such as “the afternoon”, use “in”.
8. Punctuation: There are two independent clauses without a coordinating conjunction, so separate them with a semicolon instead of a comma.
Next blog: Friday, December 11th.
GRAMMAR QUESTION, Dec. 1st, 2009
Correct the errors in the following sentence:
The team is real happy that they won the game so easy and now the players recover from the party they had thrown afterwards.
Note: you can still see previous Grammar Questions; they are posted in the archive in the side bar and listed a year previous to their date of posting.
The team is real happy that they won the game so easy and now the players recover from the party they had thrown afterwards.
Note: you can still see previous Grammar Questions; they are posted in the archive in the side bar and listed a year previous to their date of posting.
PUZZLE, Dec. 1st, 2009
Here is the answer to last week’s puzzle; congratulations to Dejo who almost solved it;-)
1. flap + drop= flop
2. emotion + icon= emoticon
3. gorilla + baboon = goon
4. marionette + puppet = muppet
5. slovenly + language = slang
What are the blended words that have come from the following pairs of words:
1. bold + rash
2. chuckle + snort
3. internal + communication
4. blow + spurt
5. flutter + hurry
1. flap + drop= flop
2. emotion + icon= emoticon
3. gorilla + baboon = goon
4. marionette + puppet = muppet
5. slovenly + language = slang
What are the blended words that have come from the following pairs of words:
1. bold + rash
2. chuckle + snort
3. internal + communication
4. blow + spurt
5. flutter + hurry
ALL CHANGE! Dec. 1st, 2009
Change the words in the sentence below as indicated. You can only change the exact word in the sequence given; after someone else has posted the next change, then you can post another change. For instance, student 1 writes #1 Subject Noun, and changes the subject noun; Student 2 writes #2 Direct Object Noun, and changes that noun. Each student only makes one change at a time and keeps to the order indicated.If you complete all 7 changes, then start making more changes again from 1 to 7. Each student should build on the changes that the previous students make.
The excited children eagerly awaited Santa at the mall.
1. change the subject noun 2. change the direct object noun
3. change the indirect object noun 4. change the adjective
5. change the adverb 6. change the verb name
7. change the verb tense
The excited children eagerly awaited Santa at the mall.
1. change the subject noun 2. change the direct object noun
3. change the indirect object noun 4. change the adjective
5. change the adverb 6. change the verb name
7. change the verb tense
Learning to combine ideas into more complex sentences is an important skill in writing. There are many ways to do this--many possible bonus points! Try to combine the following three sentences.
Sentence 1: The shopping malls are decorated for Christmas.
Sentence 2: Parents are taking their children to have photos taken with Santa.
Sentence 3: It is sometimes hard to remember that there are other religious festivals at this time of the year as well as Christmas.
Check the archives for previous questions and answers.
Sentence 1: The shopping malls are decorated for Christmas.
Sentence 2: Parents are taking their children to have photos taken with Santa.
Sentence 3: It is sometimes hard to remember that there are other religious festivals at this time of the year as well as Christmas.
Check the archives for previous questions and answers.
PLAIN ENGLISH, Dec, 1st 2009
span style="font-style:italic;">Writing clear, direct English is particularly important in a business context. Please rewrite the following item; there are many different but correct ways of doing this.
During the whole of the time period, twenty-five long years, that he was employed by ABC Securities, our colleague, Mr. Sanchez, was solely responsible of the institution of numerous reforms that are being used in the company to this date; he is wished all the best as he begins his well-earned retirement.
Hint: Check Chapter 9 of Barron's Business English, and avoid using the passive voice and other wordy construction!
During the whole of the time period, twenty-five long years, that he was employed by ABC Securities, our colleague, Mr. Sanchez, was solely responsible of the institution of numerous reforms that are being used in the company to this date; he is wished all the best as he begins his well-earned retirement.
Hint: Check Chapter 9 of Barron's Business English, and avoid using the passive voice and other wordy construction!
VOCABULARY, Dec. 1st, 2009
Vocabulary building is important for both reading comprehension and writing. Use the following two words (note the part of speech) in one sentence.
posthumously (adverb) + colloquial (adjective)
To further improve your vocabulary, check Word of the Day every day! There are also word games and puzzles on this site.
posthumously (adverb) + colloquial (adjective)
To further improve your vocabulary, check Word of the Day every day! There are also word games and puzzles on this site.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Please post your questions or comments about Module 2 and Assignment 2 here.
Please post your questions or comments about Module 6 and Assignment 6 here.
Try this game/quiz to understand your impact on the environment.
http://sustainabili ty.publicradio. org/consumercons equences/
Presented as a game, it is in fact a questionnaire that, on the basis of your answers, works out what impact your life style has on the environment and if it is sustainable.
Try this game/quiz to understand your impact on the environment.
http://sustainabili ty.publicradio. org/consumercons equences/
Presented as a game, it is in fact a questionnaire that, on the basis of your answers, works out what impact your life style has on the environment and if it is sustainable.
Please post your questions or comments on Module 7 or Assignment 7 here.
For assignment 7, write the Case Analysis 4 sections identified:
For assignment 7, write the Case Analysis 4 sections identified:
- background information
- analysis
- solutions
- recommendation
Please post questions or comments about Module 8 and Assignment 8 here.
There has been a debate in the media about importance of apostrophes since Birmingham,large city in England, banned apostrophes! What do you think? Read about the issues.
There has been a debate in the media about importance of apostrophes since Birmingham,large city in England, banned apostrophes! What do you think? Read about the issues.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
GRAMMAR QUESTION, November 20, 2009
Correct the errors in the following sentence
While I had arrived in Paris neither the bus or the trains was running, the following day the buses ran and trains had been started to move later at the afternoon.
Note: you can still see previous Grammar Questions; they are posted in the archive in the side bar and listed a year previous to their date of posting.
While I had arrived in Paris neither the bus or the trains was running, the following day the buses ran and trains had been started to move later at the afternoon.
Note: you can still see previous Grammar Questions; they are posted in the archive in the side bar and listed a year previous to their date of posting.
PUZZLE, Nov. 20th, 2009
Here is the answer to last week’s puzzle.
Five words that contain GU as a letter-pair have had all of their other letters except one removed and placed into a pool. Put those letters back in their proper places. What are the words?
M*GU*, GU*T**, J*GU**, D**GU*, P**GU**
Pool: A, A, A, E, E, E, I, I, L, N, N, N, O, R, R,
A blended word is one made up from two other common words to form a new word., for example, bash comes from bang + smash.
What are the blended words that have come from the following pairs of words:
1. flap + drop
2. emotion + icon
3. gorilla + baboon
4. marionette + puppet
5. slovenly + language
Five words that contain GU as a letter-pair have had all of their other letters except one removed and placed into a pool. Put those letters back in their proper places. What are the words?
M*GU*, GU*T**, J*GU**, D**GU*, P**GU**
Pool: A, A, A, E, E, E, I, I, L, N, N, N, O, R, R,
A blended word is one made up from two other common words to form a new word., for example, bash comes from bang + smash.
What are the blended words that have come from the following pairs of words:
1. flap + drop
2. emotion + icon
3. gorilla + baboon
4. marionette + puppet
5. slovenly + language
Monday, November 10, 2008
GRAMMAR QUESTION, Nov. 10th, 2009
Correct the errors in the following sentence
The artful work was stunned, not only were the colours bright but each of the many donating paintings were creative, individualistic and shown originality.
Note: you can still see previous Grammar Questions; they are posted in the archive in the side bar and listed a year previous to their date of posting.
The artful work was stunned, not only were the colours bright but each of the many donating paintings were creative, individualistic and shown originality.
Note: you can still see previous Grammar Questions; they are posted in the archive in the side bar and listed a year previous to their date of posting.
PUZZLE, Nov 10th, 2009
No one solved last week's puzzle:-( The answer was:
Two Words
1. Spirit shaper Parish priest
2. Poles gather a report Telegraph operators
Three words (two jobs, middle word is "and")
3. Mass dress alteration Seamstress and tailor
This week:
Five words that contain GU as a letter-pair have had all of their other letters except one removed and placed into a pool. Put those letters back in their proper places. What are the words?
M*GU*, GU*T**, J*GU**, D**GU*, P**GU**
Pool: A, A, A, E, E, E, I, I, L, N, N, N, O, R, R,
Two Words
1. Spirit shaper Parish priest
2. Poles gather a report Telegraph operators
Three words (two jobs, middle word is "and")
3. Mass dress alteration Seamstress and tailor
This week:
Five words that contain GU as a letter-pair have had all of their other letters except one removed and placed into a pool. Put those letters back in their proper places. What are the words?
M*GU*, GU*T**, J*GU**, D**GU*, P**GU**
Pool: A, A, A, E, E, E, I, I, L, N, N, N, O, R, R,
ALL CHANGE! Nov. 10th, 2009
Change the words in the sentence below as indicated. You can only change the exact word in the sequence given; after someone else has posted the next change, then you can post another change. For instance, student 1 writes #1 Subject Noun, and changes the subject noun; Student 2 writes #2 Direct Object Noun, and changes that noun. Each student only makes one change at a time and keeps to the order indicated.If you complete all 7 changes, then start making more changes again from 1 to 7. Each student should build on the changes that the previous students make.
Overworked staff are already decorating stores for Christmas.
1. change the subject noun 2. change the direct object noun
3. change the indirect object noun 4. change the adjective
5. change the adverb 6. change the verb name
7. change the verb tense
Overworked staff are already decorating stores for Christmas.
1. change the subject noun 2. change the direct object noun
3. change the indirect object noun 4. change the adjective
5. change the adverb 6. change the verb name
7. change the verb tense
COMPLETE THE SENTENCE ... Nov. 10th, 2009
Use the type of clause, phrase, or grammar indicated to complete the following sentence; you can add the phrase or clause before or after (not both) the clause below:
... November 11th is Remembrance Day ...
1. Use a phrase
2. Use a dependent clause
3. Use an independent clause
Note:you can still see previous Sentence Completion questions; they are posted in the archive in the side bar.
... November 11th is Remembrance Day ...
1. Use a phrase
2. Use a dependent clause
3. Use an independent clause
Note:you can still see previous Sentence Completion questions; they are posted in the archive in the side bar.
VOCABULARY, Nov. 10th, 2009
Vocabulary building is important for both reading comprehension and writing. Use the following two words (note the part of speech) in one sentence.
complement (verb) + disparate (adjective)
To further improve your vocabulary, check Word of the Day every day! There are also word games and puzzles on this site.
complement (verb) + disparate (adjective)
To further improve your vocabulary, check Word of the Day every day! There are also word games and puzzles on this site.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
VOCABULARY, Oct. 29th, 2009
Vocabulary building is important for both reading comprehension and writing. Use the following two words (note the part of speech) in one sentence.
avert (verb) + panacea (noun)
Correct answers will be saved to the Blog archive.
To further improve your vocabulary, check Word of the Day every day! There are also word games and puzzles on this site.
avert (verb) + panacea (noun)
Correct answers will be saved to the Blog archive.
To further improve your vocabulary, check Word of the Day every day! There are also word games and puzzles on this site.
Monday, October 20, 2008
GRAMMAR QUESTION, Oct. 20th, 2009
Correct the errors in the following sentence--it's based on something I heard our Prime Minister actually said on the radio:
Standing over me and saying, are you finished yet the exams nearly over I felt intimidated but I used all the time aloud so that I could do good.
Note: you can still see previous Grammar Questions; they are posted in the archive in the side bar and listed a year previous to their date of posting.
Standing over me and saying, are you finished yet the exams nearly over I felt intimidated but I used all the time aloud so that I could do good.
Note: you can still see previous Grammar Questions; they are posted in the archive in the side bar and listed a year previous to their date of posting.
Monday, October 6, 2008
In an acrostic, you start with a theme word and use each letter of that word to start another word or phrase that describes the theme word. The acrostic below is based on the theme word SNOW.
……………S Slippery
……………N Numbing
……………O Obliterating
……………W Wintery
Write an acrostic based on one of the following “Thanksgiving” themes: THANKSGIVING, TURKEY, PUMPKIN, STUFFING, HORN OF PLENTY, or FALL COLOURS.
……………S Slippery
……………N Numbing
……………O Obliterating
……………W Wintery
Write an acrostic based on one of the following “Thanksgiving” themes: THANKSGIVING, TURKEY, PUMPKIN, STUFFING, HORN OF PLENTY, or FALL COLOURS.
A cinquain poem is a five-line poem that is diamond-shaped. Start with a theme word (noun) and then use the pattern 1 noun, 2 adjectives, 3 gerunds, 1 full sentence, and finally a synonym for the first noun.
.................Cold, white......................
..........Falling, freezing, numbing..............
..........It chills fingers and toes..............
Write a cinquain poem based on one of the following “Thanksgiving” themes:
.................Cold, white......................
..........Falling, freezing, numbing..............
..........It chills fingers and toes..............
Write a cinquain poem based on one of the following “Thanksgiving” themes:
GRAMMAR QUESTION, Oct. 6th, 2009
Correct the errors in the following sentence--it's based on something I heard our Prime Minister actually said on the radio:
I wasn’t understanding what he means when in a speech he has given Mr Harper was saying the funding will help those suffering from mental illness and their families.
Note: you can still see previous Grammar Questions; they are posted in the archive in the side bar and listed a year previous to their date of posting.
I wasn’t understanding what he means when in a speech he has given Mr Harper was saying the funding will help those suffering from mental illness and their families.
Note: you can still see previous Grammar Questions; they are posted in the archive in the side bar and listed a year previous to their date of posting.
ALL CHANGE, Oct. 6th, 2009
Change the words in the sentence below as indicated. You can only change the exact word in the sequence given; after someone else has posted the next change, then you can post another change. For instance, student 1 writes #1 Subject Noun, and changes the subject noun; Student 2 writes #2 Direct Object Noun, and changes that noun. Each student only makes one change at a time and keeps to the order indicated.If you complete all 7 changes, then start making more changes again from 1 to 7. Each student should build on the changes that the previous students make.
My grandmother always cooks a large turkey at Thanksgiving.
1. change the subject noun 2. change the direct object noun
3. change the indirect object noun 4. change the adjective
5. change the adverb 6. change the verb name
7. change the verb tense
My grandmother always cooks a large turkey at Thanksgiving.
1. change the subject noun 2. change the direct object noun
3. change the indirect object noun 4. change the adjective
5. change the adverb 6. change the verb name
7. change the verb tense
Thursday, September 25, 2008
GRAMMAR QUESTION, Sept. 25th, 2009
Correct the errors in the following sentence:
Because you were giving Tony and I such bad instruction getting to you’re house; we could of went the wrong way and ended up completely lost.
Note: you can still see previous Grammar Questions; they are posted in the archive in the side bar and listed a year previous to their date of posting.
Because you were giving Tony and I such bad instruction getting to you’re house; we could of went the wrong way and ended up completely lost.
Note: you can still see previous Grammar Questions; they are posted in the archive in the side bar and listed a year previous to their date of posting.
PUZZLE, Sept. 25th, 2009
Congratulations to Anthony for being first to solve last week's puzzle:the answer was rose/sore; stop/post;tier/tire;spat/past.
The blanks in the following sentences will be filled in with three different homonyms (words that are spelled differently but sound alike) to make valid sentences. The dashes indicate the number of letters in the words. Can you fill in the blanks?
1. The cut on his _ _ _ _ won't _ _ _ _ in time for the race, so _ _ '_ _ have to drop out.
2. The man was so upset about being _ _ _ _ that he regularly _ _ _ _ _ _ himself up on the bed and _ _ _ _ _ _ his eyes out.
3. I couldn't _ _ _ _ _ any of the _ _ _ _ _ _ in the flower shop, because for some strange reason I had 50 _ _ _ _ _ crammed up my nose.
4. A bloodthirsty pirate will wander the _ _ _ _ and essentially _ _ _ _ _ everything he _ _ _ _.
Please list the missing words.
The blanks in the following sentences will be filled in with three different homonyms (words that are spelled differently but sound alike) to make valid sentences. The dashes indicate the number of letters in the words. Can you fill in the blanks?
1. The cut on his _ _ _ _ won't _ _ _ _ in time for the race, so _ _ '_ _ have to drop out.
2. The man was so upset about being _ _ _ _ that he regularly _ _ _ _ _ _ himself up on the bed and _ _ _ _ _ _ his eyes out.
3. I couldn't _ _ _ _ _ any of the _ _ _ _ _ _ in the flower shop, because for some strange reason I had 50 _ _ _ _ _ crammed up my nose.
4. A bloodthirsty pirate will wander the _ _ _ _ and essentially _ _ _ _ _ everything he _ _ _ _.
Please list the missing words.
ALL CHANGE, Sept. 25th, 2009
Change the words in the sentence below as indicated. You can only change the exact word in the sequence given; after someone else has posted the next change, then you can post another change. For instance, student 1 writes #1 Subject Noun, and changes the subject noun; Student 2 writes #2 Direct Object Noun, and changes that noun. Each student only makes one change at a time and keeps to the order indicated.If you complete all 7 changes, then start making more changes again from 1 to 7. Each student should build on the changes that the previous students make.
Where did the kindly old man find the money from the robbery.
1. change the subject noun 2. change the direct object noun
3. change the indirect object noun 4. change the adjective
5. change the adverb 6. change the verb name
7. change the verb tense
Where did the kindly old man find the money from the robbery.
1. change the subject noun 2. change the direct object noun
3. change the indirect object noun 4. change the adjective
5. change the adverb 6. change the verb name
7. change the verb tense
COMPLETE THE SENTENCE ... Sept. 25th, 2009
Use the type of clause, phrase, or grammar indicated to complete the following sentence; you can add the phrase or clause before or after (not both) the clause below:
… football season is once again in full swing …
1. Use a phrase
2. Use a dependent clause
3. Use an independent clause
Note:you can still see previous Sentence Completion questions; they are posted in the archive in the side bar.
… football season is once again in full swing …
1. Use a phrase
2. Use a dependent clause
3. Use an independent clause
Note:you can still see previous Sentence Completion questions; they are posted in the archive in the side bar.
VOCABULARY, Sept. 25th, 2009
Vocabulary building is important for both reading comprehension and writing. Use the following two words (note the part of speech) in one sentence.
unequivocal (adjective) + intercede (verb)
Correct answers will be saved to the Blog archive.
To further improve your vocabulary, check Word of the Day every day! There are also word games and puzzles on this site.
unequivocal (adjective) + intercede (verb)
Correct answers will be saved to the Blog archive.
To further improve your vocabulary, check Word of the Day every day! There are also word games and puzzles on this site.
PLAIN ENGLISH, Sept, 25th, 2009
span style="font-style:italic;">Writing clear, direct English is particularly important in a business context. Please rewrite the following item; there are many different but correct ways of doing this.
Having had a number of years of extensive experience as the principal and only aide to the CEO of the company where I am currently employed, I have every reason to believe that the position that was advertized just last week with your company, is one that could be filled by me with complete satisfaction.
Hint: Check Chapter 9 of Barron's Business English, and avoid using the passive voice and other wordy construction!
Having had a number of years of extensive experience as the principal and only aide to the CEO of the company where I am currently employed, I have every reason to believe that the position that was advertized just last week with your company, is one that could be filled by me with complete satisfaction.
Hint: Check Chapter 9 of Barron's Business English, and avoid using the passive voice and other wordy construction!
Sunday, September 14, 2008
GRAMMAR QUESTION, Sept. 14th, 2009
Correct the errors in the following sentence:
As the students’ in our class goes on field trip to the royal Alberta museum seeing the new Exhibition they all have fun and learned a lot.
Remember that there is more than one possible correct answer.
Note: you can still see previous Grammar Questions; they are posted in the archive in the side bar and listed a year previous to their date of posting.
As the students’ in our class goes on field trip to the royal Alberta museum seeing the new Exhibition they all have fun and learned a lot.
Remember that there is more than one possible correct answer.
Note: you can still see previous Grammar Questions; they are posted in the archive in the side bar and listed a year previous to their date of posting.
PUZZLE, Sept. 14th, 2009
No one solved last week's puzzle: the answer was CARPET
The following sentences can be completed by adding two words that are anagrams of one another. Each word has only four letters. Enjoy!
1. If you prick your finger while picking a ____, it may be very ____.
2. If you need some stamps, then you must ____ by the ____ office.
3. If you eat a whole ____ of a wedding cake, you may develop a spare ____ around your middle.
4. If you have a ____ with your friend, you should forgive them and focus on the future, not on the ____.
Please list the missing words.
The following sentences can be completed by adding two words that are anagrams of one another. Each word has only four letters. Enjoy!
1. If you prick your finger while picking a ____, it may be very ____.
2. If you need some stamps, then you must ____ by the ____ office.
3. If you eat a whole ____ of a wedding cake, you may develop a spare ____ around your middle.
4. If you have a ____ with your friend, you should forgive them and focus on the future, not on the ____.
Please list the missing words.
ALL CHANGE, Sept. 14th, 2009
Change the words in the sentence below as indicated. You can only change the exact word in the sequence given; after someone else has posted the next change, then you can post another change. For instance, student 1 writes #1 Subject Noun, and changes the subject noun; Student 2 writes #2 Direct Object Noun, and changes that noun. Each student only makes one change at a time and keeps to the order indicated.If you complete all 7 changes, then start making more changes again from 1 to 7. Each student should build on the changes that the previous students make.
The international student wrote an interesting letter to his parents.
1. change the subject noun 2. change the direct object noun
3. change the indirect object noun 4. change the adjective
5. change the adverb 6. change the verb name
7. change the verb tense
The international student wrote an interesting letter to his parents.
1. change the subject noun 2. change the direct object noun
3. change the indirect object noun 4. change the adjective
5. change the adverb 6. change the verb name
7. change the verb tense
Change the words in the sentence below as indicated. You can only change the exact word in the sequence given; after someone else has posted the next change, then you can post another change. For instance, student 1 writes #1 Subject Noun, and changes the subject noun; Student 2 writes #2 Direct Object Noun, and changes that noun. Each student only makes one change at a time and keeps to the order indicated.If you complete all 7 changes, then start making more changes again from 1 to 7. Each student should build on the changes that the previous students make.
The international student wrote an interesting letter to his parents.
1. change the subject noun 2. change the direct object noun
3. change the indirect object noun 4. change the adjective
5. change the adverb 6. change the verb name
7. change the verb tense
The international student wrote an interesting letter to his parents.
1. change the subject noun 2. change the direct object noun
3. change the indirect object noun 4. change the adjective
5. change the adverb 6. change the verb name
7. change the verb tense
COMPLETE THE SENTENCE ... Sept. 14th, 2009
Use the type of clause, phrase, or grammar indicated to complete the following sentence; you can add the phrase or clause before or after (not both) the clause below:
…when the fall equinox occurs winter cannot be too far behind in Canada …
1. Use a phrase
2. Use a dependent clause
3. Use an independent clause
Note:you can still see previous Sentence Completion questions; they are posted in the archive in the side bar.
…when the fall equinox occurs winter cannot be too far behind in Canada …
1. Use a phrase
2. Use a dependent clause
3. Use an independent clause
Note:you can still see previous Sentence Completion questions; they are posted in the archive in the side bar.
VOCABULARY, Sept. 14th, 2009
Vocabulary building is important for both reading comprehension and writing. Use the following two words (note the part of speech) in one sentence.
amoral (adjective) + psychopath (noun)
Correct answers will be saved to the Blog archive.
To further improve your vocabulary, check Word of the Day every day! There are also word games and puzzles on this site.
amoral (adjective) + psychopath (noun)
Correct answers will be saved to the Blog archive.
To further improve your vocabulary, check Word of the Day every day! There are also word games and puzzles on this site.
PLAIN ENGLISH, Sept, 14th, 2009
span style="font-style:italic;">Writing clear, direct English is particularly important in a business context. Please rewrite the following item; there are many different but correct ways of doing this.
For your information, at this date, the practice of acknowledging orders that are to be filled immediately has been abandoned, and in many instances the invoice that is sent with these orders is the only response to be received subsequent to the receipt of the order.
Hint: Check Chapter 9 of Barron's Business English, and avoid using the passive voice and other wordy construction!
For your information, at this date, the practice of acknowledging orders that are to be filled immediately has been abandoned, and in many instances the invoice that is sent with these orders is the only response to be received subsequent to the receipt of the order.
Hint: Check Chapter 9 of Barron's Business English, and avoid using the passive voice and other wordy construction!
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
GRAMMAR QUESTION, Sept. 3rd, 2009
Correct the errors in the following sentence:
Not only you, but also your sister’s needs being home early: too clean the house preparing for our dinner party and you will have to make the appetizers.
Remember that there is more than one possible correct answer.
Note: you can still see previous Grammar Questions; they are posted in the archive in the side bar and listed a year previous to their date of posting.
Not only you, but also your sister’s needs being home early: too clean the house preparing for our dinner party and you will have to make the appetizers.
Remember that there is more than one possible correct answer.
Note: you can still see previous Grammar Questions; they are posted in the archive in the side bar and listed a year previous to their date of posting.
COMPLETE THE SENTENCE ... Sept. 3rd, 2009
Use the type of clause, phrase, or grammar indicated to complete the following sentence; you can add the phrase or clause before or after (not both) the clause below:
... many people think of Labour Day as the last long weekend of summer...
1. Use a phrase
2. Use a dependent clause
3. Use an independent clause
Note:you can still see previous Sentence Completion questions; they are posted in the archive in the side bar.
... many people think of Labour Day as the last long weekend of summer...
1. Use a phrase
2. Use a dependent clause
3. Use an independent clause
Note:you can still see previous Sentence Completion questions; they are posted in the archive in the side bar.
VOCABULARY, Sept. 3rd, 2009
Vocabulary building is important for both reading comprehension and writing. Use the following two words (note the part of speech) in one sentence.
inordinate (adjective) + speculate (verb)
Correct answers will be saved to the Blog archive.
To further improve your vocabulary, check Word of the Day every day! There are also word games and puzzles on this site.
inordinate (adjective) + speculate (verb)
Correct answers will be saved to the Blog archive.
To further improve your vocabulary, check Word of the Day every day! There are also word games and puzzles on this site.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
GRAMMAR QUESTION, Aug. 24th, 2009
Correct the errors in the following sentence:
You're sister's not too blame in this quite unique situation, your the one whose been difficult.
Remember that there is more than one possible correct answer.
Note: you can still see previous Grammar Questions of the Week; they are posted in the archive in the side bar and listed a year previous to their date of posting.
You're sister's not too blame in this quite unique situation, your the one whose been difficult.
Remember that there is more than one possible correct answer.
Note: you can still see previous Grammar Questions of the Week; they are posted in the archive in the side bar and listed a year previous to their date of posting.
PUZZLE, Aug. 24th, 2009
No one solved last week's puzzle: Jumping up and down over good news.
This week, four letters are missing from the following quotation--what are they? Please write out the corrected quotation.
Hw cme if eceiy i he mher f ivei, all hi ueceary uff ge iveed?
This week, four letters are missing from the following quotation--what are they? Please write out the corrected quotation.
Hw cme if eceiy i he mher f ivei, all hi ueceary uff ge iveed?
ALL CHANGE, Aug. 24th, 2009
Change the words in the sentence below as indicated. You can only change the exact word in the sequence given; after someone else has posted the next change, then you can post another change. For instance, student 1 writes #1 Subject Noun, and changes the subject noun; Student 2 writes #2 Direct Object Noun, and changes that noun. Each student only makes one change at a time and keeps to the order indicated.If you complete all 7 changes, then start making more changes again from 1 to 7. Each student should build on the changes that the previous students make.
Many harassed parents are quickly buying school supplies for their children.
1. change the subject noun 2. change the direct object noun
3. change the indirect object noun 4. change the adjective
5. change the adverb 6. change the verb name
7. change the verb tense
Many harassed parents are quickly buying school supplies for their children.
1. change the subject noun 2. change the direct object noun
3. change the indirect object noun 4. change the adjective
5. change the adverb 6. change the verb name
7. change the verb tense
COMPLETE THE SENTENCE ... Aug. 24th, 2009
Use the type of clause, phrase, or grammar indicated to complete the following sentence; you can add the phrase or clause before or after (not both) the clause below:
…many parents are happy that the kids go back to school in September…
1. Use a phrase
2. Use a dependent clause
3. Use an independent clause
Note:you can still see previous Sentence Completion questions; they are posted in the archive in the side bar.
…many parents are happy that the kids go back to school in September…
1. Use a phrase
2. Use a dependent clause
3. Use an independent clause
Note:you can still see previous Sentence Completion questions; they are posted in the archive in the side bar.
VOCABULARY, Aug. 12th, 2009
Vocabulary building is important for both reading comprehension and writing. Use the following two words (note the part of speech) in one sentence.
irrevocable (adjective) + impediment (noun)
Correct answers will be saved to the Blog archive.
To further improve your vocabulary, check Word of the Day every day! There are also word games and puzzles on this site.
irrevocable (adjective) + impediment (noun)
Correct answers will be saved to the Blog archive.
To further improve your vocabulary, check Word of the Day every day! There are also word games and puzzles on this site.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
GRAMMAR QUESTION, Aug. 12th, 2009
Correct the errors in the following sentence:
Its important that we are on time for todays meeting so please be picking Bryan and I up at 8 am.
Remember that there is more than one possible correct answer.
Note: you can still see previous Grammar Questions of the Week; they are posted in the archive in the side bar and listed a year previous to their date of posting.
Its important that we are on time for todays meeting so please be picking Bryan and I up at 8 am.
Remember that there is more than one possible correct answer.
Note: you can still see previous Grammar Questions of the Week; they are posted in the archive in the side bar and listed a year previous to their date of posting.
ALL CHANGE, Aug. 12th, 2009
Change the words in the sentence below as indicated. You can only change the exact word in the sequence given; after someone else has posted the next change, then you can post another change. For instance, student 1 writes #1 Subject Noun, and changes the subject noun; Student 2 writes #2 Direct Object Noun, and changes that noun. Each student only makes one change at a time and keeps to the order indicated.If you complete all 7 changes, then start making more changes again from 1 to 7. Each student should build on the changes that the previous students make.
The fussy housewife carefully laid the lace cloth on the rosewood table.
1. change the subject noun 2. change the direct object noun
3. change the indirect object noun 4. change the adjective
5. change the adverb 6. change the verb name
7. change the verb tense
The fussy housewife carefully laid the lace cloth on the rosewood table.
1. change the subject noun 2. change the direct object noun
3. change the indirect object noun 4. change the adjective
5. change the adverb 6. change the verb name
7. change the verb tense
VOCABULARY, Aug. 12th, 2009
Vocabulary building is important for both reading comprehension and writing. Use the following two words (note the part of speech) in one sentence.
glabrous (adjective) + retrospect (noun)
Correct answers will be saved to the Blog archive.
To further improve your vocabulary, check Word of the Day every day! There are also word games and puzzles on this site.
glabrous (adjective) + retrospect (noun)
Correct answers will be saved to the Blog archive.
To further improve your vocabulary, check Word of the Day every day! There are also word games and puzzles on this site.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
In an acrostic, you start with a theme word and use each letter of that word to start another word or phrase that describes the theme word. The acrostic below is based on the theme word SNOW.
……………S Slippery
……………N Numbing
……………O Obliterating
……………W Wintery
Write an acrostic based on one of the following “summer” themes: SUMMER, HOLIDAY, VACATION, SUNSHINE, RELAXATION, NATIONAL PARKS, BEACHES, FESTIVALS.
……………S Slippery
……………N Numbing
……………O Obliterating
……………W Wintery
Write an acrostic based on one of the following “summer” themes: SUMMER, HOLIDAY, VACATION, SUNSHINE, RELAXATION, NATIONAL PARKS, BEACHES, FESTIVALS.
A cinquain poem is a five-line poem that is diamond-shaped. Start with a theme word (noun) and then use the pattern 1 noun, 2 adjectives, 3 gerunds, 1 full sentence, and finally a synonym for the first noun.
.................Cold, white......................
..........Falling, freezing, numbing..............
..........It chills fingers and toes..............
Write a cinquain poem based on one of the following “summer” themes:
.................Cold, white......................
..........Falling, freezing, numbing..............
..........It chills fingers and toes..............
Write a cinquain poem based on one of the following “summer” themes:
GRAMMAR QUESTION, July 27th, 2009
Correct the errors in the following sentence:
Peter and me are needing knowing to who to address the letter before its written in it's envelope and been posted by us too the company.
Remember that there is more than one possible correct answer.
Note: you can still see previous Grammar Questions of the Week; they are posted in the archive in the side bar and listed a year previous to their date of posting.
Peter and me are needing knowing to who to address the letter before its written in it's envelope and been posted by us too the company.
Remember that there is more than one possible correct answer.
Note: you can still see previous Grammar Questions of the Week; they are posted in the archive in the side bar and listed a year previous to their date of posting.
PUZZLE, July 27th, 2009
No one solved this puzzle. For the answer, please see below.
Identify the three letters that have been removed from the quotes below:
1. Acion is a ga so and build of confidnc. Inacion is not only h sul, bu h caus, of fa. Phaps h acion you ak will b succssful; phaps diffn acion o adjusmns will hav o follow. Bu any acion is b han no acion a all.
2. Pay is a hough, a blif, a fling, aising wihin h mind of h on paying.
Answer: r, e, and t.
1. Action is a great restorer and builder of confidence. Inaction is not only the result, but the cause, of fear. Perhaps the action you take will be successful; perhaps different action or adjustments will have to follow. But any action is better than no action at all.
-Norman Vincent Peale
2. Prayer is a thought, a belief, a feeling, arising within the mind of the one praying.
-Ernest Holmes
Identify the three letters that have been removed from the quotes below:
1. Acion is a ga so and build of confidnc. Inacion is not only h sul, bu h caus, of fa. Phaps h acion you ak will b succssful; phaps diffn acion o adjusmns will hav o follow. Bu any acion is b han no acion a all.
2. Pay is a hough, a blif, a fling, aising wihin h mind of h on paying.
Answer: r, e, and t.
1. Action is a great restorer and builder of confidence. Inaction is not only the result, but the cause, of fear. Perhaps the action you take will be successful; perhaps different action or adjustments will have to follow. But any action is better than no action at all.
-Norman Vincent Peale
2. Prayer is a thought, a belief, a feeling, arising within the mind of the one praying.
-Ernest Holmes
ALL CHANGE, July 27th, 2009
Change the words in the sentence below as indicated. You can only change the exact word in the sequence given; after someone else has posted the next change, then you can post another change. For instance, student 1 writes #1 Subject Noun, and changes the subject noun; Student 2 writes #2 Direct Object Noun, and changes that noun. Each student only makes one change at a time and keeps to the order indicated.If you complete all 7 changes, then start making more changes again from 1 to 7. Each student should build on the changes that the previous students make.
The old man quickly paid the overdue bill to the newly trained bank teller.
1. change the subject noun 2. change the direct object noun
3. change the indirect object noun 4. change the adjective
5. change the adverb 6. change the verb name
7. change the verb tense
The old man quickly paid the overdue bill to the newly trained bank teller.
1. change the subject noun 2. change the direct object noun
3. change the indirect object noun 4. change the adjective
5. change the adverb 6. change the verb name
7. change the verb tense
COMPLETE THE SENTENCE ... July 27th, 2009
Use the type of clause, phrase, or grammar indicated to complete the following sentence; you can add the phrase or clause before or after (not both) the clause below:
...I am looking forward to the long August weekend ...
1. Use a phrase
2. Use a dependent clause
3. Use an independent clause
Note:you can still see previous Sentence Completion questions; they are posted in the archive in the side bar.
...I am looking forward to the long August weekend ...
1. Use a phrase
2. Use a dependent clause
3. Use an independent clause
Note:you can still see previous Sentence Completion questions; they are posted in the archive in the side bar.
VOCABULARY, July 27th, 2009
Vocabulary building is important for both reading comprehension and writing. Use the following two words (note the part of speech) in one sentence.
Predictability (noun) + biodegradable (adjective)
Correct answers will be saved to the Blog archive.
To further improve your vocabulary, check Word of the Day every day! There are also word games and puzzles on this site.
Predictability (noun) + biodegradable (adjective)
Correct answers will be saved to the Blog archive.
To further improve your vocabulary, check Word of the Day every day! There are also word games and puzzles on this site.
PLAIN ENGLISH, July 27th, 2009
span style="font-style:italic;">Writing clear, direct English is particularly important in a business context. Please rewrite the following item; there are many different but correct ways of doing this.
We will be forwarding detailed instructions with regard to the humane disposal of the ants that have been trapped in the containers provided by staff; these instructions will be developed, distributed and posted by the Health and Wellness Committee.
Hint: Check Chapter 9 of Barron's Business English, and avoid using the passive voice and other wordy construction!
We will be forwarding detailed instructions with regard to the humane disposal of the ants that have been trapped in the containers provided by staff; these instructions will be developed, distributed and posted by the Health and Wellness Committee.
Hint: Check Chapter 9 of Barron's Business English, and avoid using the passive voice and other wordy construction!
Thursday, July 17, 2008
GRAMMAR QUESTION, July 17th, 2009
Correct the errors in the following sentence overheard in the supermarket:
Seeing that Starbucks’ opens at Safeway stores now I wonder if it would now loose customer’s from their regular outlets.
Remember that there is more than one possible correct answer.
Note: you can still see previous Grammar Questions of the Week; they are posted in the archive in the side bar and listed a year previous to their date of posting.
Seeing that Starbucks’ opens at Safeway stores now I wonder if it would now loose customer’s from their regular outlets.
Remember that there is more than one possible correct answer.
Note: you can still see previous Grammar Questions of the Week; they are posted in the archive in the side bar and listed a year previous to their date of posting.
PUZZLE, July 17th, 2009
Congratulations to Miranda for successfully solving last week's puzzle. For the answer, please see last week's puzzle in the archive.
Two quotes by Groucho Marx have all their vowels removed. Put the appropriate vowels in each blank.
1. _ bl_ck c_t cr_ss_ng y_ _r p_th s_gn_f_ _s th_t _n _n_m_l _s g_ _ng s_m_wh_r_.
2. H_m_r _s r_ _s_n g_n_ m_d.
Two quotes by Groucho Marx have all their vowels removed. Put the appropriate vowels in each blank.
1. _ bl_ck c_t cr_ss_ng y_ _r p_th s_gn_f_ _s th_t _n _n_m_l _s g_ _ng s_m_wh_r_.
2. H_m_r _s r_ _s_n g_n_ m_d.
ALL CHANGE, July 17th, 2009
Change the words in the sentence below as indicated. You can only change the exact word in the sequence given; after someone else has posted the next change, then you can post another change. For instance, student 1 writes #1 Subject Noun, and changes the subject noun; Student 2 writes #2 Direct Object Noun, and changes that noun. Each student only makes one change at a time and keeps to the order indicated.If you complete all 7 changes, then start making more changes again from 1 to 7. Each student should build on the changes that the previous students make.
My maternal grandparents built the house completely over the ruins below.
1. change the subject noun 2. change the direct object noun
3. change the indirect object noun 4. change the adjective
5. change the adverb 6. change the verb name
7. change the verb tense
My maternal grandparents built the house completely over the ruins below.
1. change the subject noun 2. change the direct object noun
3. change the indirect object noun 4. change the adjective
5. change the adverb 6. change the verb name
7. change the verb tense
Use the type of clause, phrase, or grammar indicated to complete the following sentence; you can add the phrase or clause before or after the clause below:
... summer is the best time of the year in Canada ...
1. Use a phrase
2. Use a dependent clause
3. Use an independent clause
Note:you can still see previous Sentence Completion questions; they are posted in the archive in the side bar.
... summer is the best time of the year in Canada ...
1. Use a phrase
2. Use a dependent clause
3. Use an independent clause
Note:you can still see previous Sentence Completion questions; they are posted in the archive in the side bar.
VOCABULARY, July 17th, 2009
Vocabulary building is important for both reading comprehension and writing. Use the following two words (note the part of speech) in one sentence.
equanimity (noun) + loquacious (adjective)
Correct answers will be saved to the Blog archive.
To further improve your vocabulary, check Word of the Day every day! There are also word games and puzzles on this site.
equanimity (noun) + loquacious (adjective)
Correct answers will be saved to the Blog archive.
To further improve your vocabulary, check Word of the Day every day! There are also word games and puzzles on this site.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Correct the errors in the following sentence overheard in the supermarket:
The twin’s were amused, first they entertained there friends’ by telling jokes, than they had chased after the dog, and it was ended when they imitated their friends.
Remember that there is more than one possible correct answer.
Note: you can still see previous Grammar Questions of the Week; they are posted in the archive in the side bar and listed a year previous to their date of posting.
The twin’s were amused, first they entertained there friends’ by telling jokes, than they had chased after the dog, and it was ended when they imitated their friends.
Remember that there is more than one possible correct answer.
Note: you can still see previous Grammar Questions of the Week; they are posted in the archive in the side bar and listed a year previous to their date of posting.
PUZZLE, July 8th
No one successfully solved last week's puzzle:
What nine letter word in the English language is still a word when any of one of the nine letters is removed one by one?
STARTLING, starling, staring, string, sting, sing, sin, in, I
This week try this puzzle:
Without changing the order of the letters, place the four letter words on the dashes to form eight letter words.
Veto, Rake, Hilt, Clam, Tile
1. __ um__ __ i __ y
2. Pro __ __ __ i __
3. __ err __ b __ __
4. __ __ xa __ i __ n
5. Ove __ t __ __ __
What nine letter word in the English language is still a word when any of one of the nine letters is removed one by one?
STARTLING, starling, staring, string, sting, sing, sin, in, I
This week try this puzzle:
Without changing the order of the letters, place the four letter words on the dashes to form eight letter words.
Veto, Rake, Hilt, Clam, Tile
1. __ um__ __ i __ y
2. Pro __ __ __ i __
3. __ err __ b __ __
4. __ __ xa __ i __ n
5. Ove __ t __ __ __
ALL CHANGE, July 8th
Change the words in the sentence below as indicated. You can only change the exact word in the sequence given; after someone else has posted the next change, then you can post another change. For instance, student 1 writes #1 Subject Noun, and changes the subject noun; Student 2 writes #2 Direct Object Noun, and changes that noun. Each student only makes one change at a time and keeps to the order indicated.If you complete all 7 changes, then start making more changes again from 1 to 7. Each student should build on the changes that the previous students make.
My wonderful parents lovingly raised their son’s children.
1. change the subject noun 2. change the direct object noun
3. change the indirect object noun 4. change the adjective
5. change the adverb 6. change the verb name
7. change the verb tense
My wonderful parents lovingly raised their son’s children.
1. change the subject noun 2. change the direct object noun
3. change the indirect object noun 4. change the adjective
5. change the adverb 6. change the verb name
7. change the verb tense
Vocabulary building is important for both reading comprehension and writing. Use the following two words (note the part of speech) in one sentence.
retort (noun) + supercilious (adjective)
Correct answers will be saved to the Blog archive.
To further improve your vocabulary, check Word of the Day every day! There are also word games and puzzles on this site.
retort (noun) + supercilious (adjective)
Correct answers will be saved to the Blog archive.
To further improve your vocabulary, check Word of the Day every day! There are also word games and puzzles on this site.
Use the type of clause, phrase, or grammar indicated to complete the following sentence; you can add the phrase or clause before or after the clause below:
... I have many plans for the summer ...
1. Use a phrase
2. Use a dependent clause
3. Use an independent clause
Note:you can still see previous Sentence Completion questions; they are posted in the archive in the side bar.
... I have many plans for the summer ...
1. Use a phrase
2. Use a dependent clause
3. Use an independent clause
Note:you can still see previous Sentence Completion questions; they are posted in the archive in the side bar.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Correct the errors in the following sentence overheard in the supermarket:
A visitor to Vietnam must to remember taking their anti-malaria medicine regular to be affective preventing them from sickness and it would spoil the trip.
Remember that there is more than one possible correct answer.
Note: you can still see previous Grammar Questions of the Week; they are posted in the archive in the side bar.
A visitor to Vietnam must to remember taking their anti-malaria medicine regular to be affective preventing them from sickness and it would spoil the trip.
Remember that there is more than one possible correct answer.
Note: you can still see previous Grammar Questions of the Week; they are posted in the archive in the side bar.
ALL CHANGE, June 29th
Change the words in the sentence below as indicated. You can only change the exact word in the sequence given; after someone else has posted the next change, then you can post another change. For instance, student 1 writes #1 Subject Noun, and changes the subject noun; Student 2 writes #2 Direct Object Noun, and changes that noun. Each student only makes one change at a time and keeps to the order indicated.If you complete all 7 changes, then start making more changes again from 1 to 7. Each student should build on the changes that the previous students make.
Caring parents skillfully nurture their children's talents.
1. change the subject noun 2. change the direct object noun
3. change the indirect object noun 4. change the adjective
5. change the adverb 6. change the verb name
7. change the verb tense
Caring parents skillfully nurture their children's talents.
1. change the subject noun 2. change the direct object noun
3. change the indirect object noun 4. change the adjective
5. change the adverb 6. change the verb name
7. change the verb tense
Vocabulary building is important for both reading comprehension and writing. Use the following two words (note the part of speech) in one sentence.
irrevocably (adverb) + propensity (noun)
Correct answers will be saved to the Blog archive.
To further improve your vocabulary, check Word of the Day every day! There are also word games and puzzles on this site.
irrevocably (adverb) + propensity (noun)
Correct answers will be saved to the Blog archive.
To further improve your vocabulary, check Word of the Day every day! There are also word games and puzzles on this site.
Use the type of clause, phrase, or grammar indicated to complete the following sentence; you can add the phrase or clause before or after the clause below:
…Canada Day is on Wednesday this week …
1. Use a phrase
2. Use a dependent clause
3. Use an independent clause
Note:you can still see previous Sentence Completion questions; they are posted in the archive in the side bar.
…Canada Day is on Wednesday this week …
1. Use a phrase
2. Use a dependent clause
3. Use an independent clause
Note:you can still see previous Sentence Completion questions; they are posted in the archive in the side bar.
span style="font-style:italic;">Writing clear, direct English is particularly important in a business context. Please rewrite the following item; there are many different but correct ways of doing this.
In order to construct a a highly effective ant trap, the Health and Wellness Committee recommends that small containers should be brought from home by every single employee. After inserting something sweet into the container to act as bait, petroleum jelly can be applied to the rims of these containers as that will prevent the crawling pests from getting back out of the jars once they have entered them to go after the sweet bait inside.
Hint: Check Chapter 9 of Barron's Business English, and avoid using the passive voice and other wordy construction!
In order to construct a a highly effective ant trap, the Health and Wellness Committee recommends that small containers should be brought from home by every single employee. After inserting something sweet into the container to act as bait, petroleum jelly can be applied to the rims of these containers as that will prevent the crawling pests from getting back out of the jars once they have entered them to go after the sweet bait inside.
Hint: Check Chapter 9 of Barron's Business English, and avoid using the passive voice and other wordy construction!
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Correct the errors in the following sentence overheard in the supermarket:
When the committee had met last week it was decided that they approved constructing of a new retiring centre.
Remember that there is more than one possible correct answer.
Note: you can still see previous Grammar Questions of the Week; they are posted in the archive in the side bar.
When the committee had met last week it was decided that they approved constructing of a new retiring centre.
Remember that there is more than one possible correct answer.
Note: you can still see previous Grammar Questions of the Week; they are posted in the archive in the side bar.
ALL CHANGE! June 18th
Change the words in the sentence below as indicated. You can only change the exact word in the sequence given; after someone else has posted the next change, then you can post another change. For instance, student 1 writes #1 Subject Noun, and changes the subject noun; Student 2 writes #2 Direct Object Noun, and changes that noun. Each student only makes one change at a time and keeps to the order indicated.If you complete all 7 changes, then start making more changes again from 1 to 7. Each student should build on the changes that the previous students make.
The talented pianist played music regularly for the appreciative seniors.
1. change the subject noun 2. change the direct object noun
3. change the indirect object noun 4. change the adjectives
5. change the adverb name 6. change the verb name
7. change the verb tense
The talented pianist played music regularly for the appreciative seniors.
1. change the subject noun 2. change the direct object noun
3. change the indirect object noun 4. change the adjectives
5. change the adverb name 6. change the verb name
7. change the verb tense
Vocabulary building is important for both reading comprehension and writing. Use the following two words (note the part of speech) in one sentence.
maladroit (adjective) + pandemonium (noun)
Correct answers will be saved to the Blog archive.
To further improve your vocabulary, check Word of the Day every day! There are also word games and puzzles on this site.
maladroit (adjective) + pandemonium (noun)
Correct answers will be saved to the Blog archive.
To further improve your vocabulary, check Word of the Day every day! There are also word games and puzzles on this site.
Use the type of clause, phrase, or grammar indicated to complete the following sentence; you can add the phrase or clause before or after the clause below:
…hockey season is finally over …
1. Use a phrase
2. Use a dependent clause
3. Use an independent clause
Note:you can still see previous Sentence Completion questions; they are posted in the archive in the side bar.
…hockey season is finally over …
1. Use a phrase
2. Use a dependent clause
3. Use an independent clause
Note:you can still see previous Sentence Completion questions; they are posted in the archive in the side bar.
span style="font-style:italic;">Writing clear, direct English is particularly important in a business context. Please rewrite the following item; there are many different but correct ways of doing this.
In view of the fact that receipt of the shipment of the ant entrapment devices has been delayed due to an unfortunate oversight in the Purchasing Dept., the committee undertakes to provide all the necessary step-by-step instructions for the on-site development of the necessary devices, including a list of all required materials.
In view of the fact that receipt of the shipment of the ant entrapment devices has been delayed due to an unfortunate oversight in the Purchasing Dept., the committee undertakes to provide all the necessary step-by-step instructions for the on-site development of the necessary devices, including a list of all required materials.
Monday, June 9, 2008
Correct the errors in the following sentence overheard in the supermarket:
Every one of the runners who are in the race are here but we can't get started with the first ones until you line up on a starting line.
Remember that there is more than one possible correct answer.
Note: you can still see previous Grammar Questions of the Week; they are posted in the archive in the side bar.
Every one of the runners who are in the race are here but we can't get started with the first ones until you line up on a starting line.
Remember that there is more than one possible correct answer.
Note: you can still see previous Grammar Questions of the Week; they are posted in the archive in the side bar.
ALL CHANGE! June 9th
Change the words in the sentence below as indicated. You can only change the exact word in the sequence given; after someone else has posted the next change, then you can post another change. For instance, student 1 writes #1 Subject Noun, and changes the subject noun; Student 2 writes #2 Direct Object Noun, and changes that noun. Each student only makes one change at a time and keeps to the order indicated.If you complete all 7 changes, then start making more changes again from 1 to 7. Each student should build on the changes that the previous students make.
My younger brother happily lent his best friend his new bicycle.
1. change the subject noun 2. change the direct object noun
3. change the indirect object noun 4. change the adjectives
5. change the adverb name 6. change the verb name
7. change the verb tense
My younger brother happily lent his best friend his new bicycle.
1. change the subject noun 2. change the direct object noun
3. change the indirect object noun 4. change the adjectives
5. change the adverb name 6. change the verb name
7. change the verb tense
Vocabulary building is important for both reading comprehension and writing. Use the following two words (note the part of speech) in one sentence.
autonomy (noun) + discredit (verb)
Correct answers will be saved to the Blog archive.
autonomy (noun) + discredit (verb)
Correct answers will be saved to the Blog archive.
Use the type of clause, phrase, or grammar indicated to complete the following sentence; you can add the phrase or clause before or after the clause below:
…I have/don't have a good remedy for jet lag …
1. Use a phrase
2. Use a dependent clause
3. Use an independent clause
Note:you can still see previous Sentence Completion questions; they are posted in the archive in the side bar.
…I have/don't have a good remedy for jet lag …
1. Use a phrase
2. Use a dependent clause
3. Use an independent clause
Note:you can still see previous Sentence Completion questions; they are posted in the archive in the side bar.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Correct the errors in the following sentence overheard in the supermarket:
How many pops you got and how manys the same.
Remember that there is more than one possible correct answer.
Note: you can still see previous Grammar Questions of the Week; they are posted in the archive in the side bar.
How many pops you got and how manys the same.
Remember that there is more than one possible correct answer.
Note: you can still see previous Grammar Questions of the Week; they are posted in the archive in the side bar.
ALL CHANGE! May 29th
Change the words in the sentence below as indicated. You can only change the exact word in the sequence given; after someone else has posted the next change, then you can post another change. For instance, student 1 writes #1 Subject Noun, and changes the subject noun; Student 2 writes #2 Direct Object Noun, and changes that noun. Each student only makes one change at a time and keeps to the order indicated.If you complete all 7 changes, then start making more changes again from 1 to 7. Each student should build on the changes that the previous students make.
The simple answer generally hides the deeper complexity of an issue.
1. change the subject noun 2. change the direct object noun
3. change the indirect object noun 4. change the adjectives
5. change the adverb name 6. change the verb name
7. change the verb tense
The simple answer generally hides the deeper complexity of an issue.
1. change the subject noun 2. change the direct object noun
3. change the indirect object noun 4. change the adjectives
5. change the adverb name 6. change the verb name
7. change the verb tense
Vocabulary building is important for both reading comprehension and writing. Use the following two words (note the part of speech) in one sentence.
circumlocution (noun) + either adverse (adjective) or adversely (adverb)
Correct answers will be saved to the Blog archive.
circumlocution (noun) + either adverse (adjective) or adversely (adverb)
Correct answers will be saved to the Blog archive.
Use the type of clause, phrase, or grammar indicated to complete the following sentence; you can add the phrase or clause before or after the clause below:
… I find it harder to study in summer …
1. Use a phrase
2. Use a dependent clause
3. Use an independent clause
Note:you can still see previous Sentence Completion questions; they are posted in the archive in the side bar.
… I find it harder to study in summer …
1. Use a phrase
2. Use a dependent clause
3. Use an independent clause
Note:you can still see previous Sentence Completion questions; they are posted in the archive in the side bar.
span style="font-style:italic;">Writing clear, direct English is particularly important in a business context. Please rewrite the following item; there are many different but correct ways of doing this.
The Employee Health and Wellness Committee has been led to believe by pest control experts that the insect infestation problem will continue to worsen because of employees who are consuming food at their desks and other locations in the building instead of restricting their eating to the lunchroom.
The Employee Health and Wellness Committee has been led to believe by pest control experts that the insect infestation problem will continue to worsen because of employees who are consuming food at their desks and other locations in the building instead of restricting their eating to the lunchroom.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Correct the errors in the following sentence:
Even though that are lots of informations available on the internet; I don't know what most of them are meaning.
Remember that there is more than one possible correct answer.
Note: you can still see previous Grammar Questions of the Week; they are posted in the archive in the side bar.
Even though that are lots of informations available on the internet; I don't know what most of them are meaning.
Remember that there is more than one possible correct answer.
Note: you can still see previous Grammar Questions of the Week; they are posted in the archive in the side bar.
ALL CHANGE! May 20th
Change the words in the sentence below as indicated. You can only change the exact word in the sequence given; after someone else has posted the next change, then you can post another change. For instance, student 1 writes #1 Subject Noun, and changes the subject noun; Student 2 writes #2 Direct Object Noun, and changes that noun. Each student only makes one change at a time and keeps to the order indicated.If you complete all 7 changes, then start making more changes again from 1 to 7. Each student should build on the changes that the previous students make.
The greedy child quickly ate all the candy in the coloured basked.
1. change the subject noun 2. change the direct object noun
3. change the indirect object noun 4. change the adjectives
5. change the adverb name 6. change the verb name
7. change the verb tense
The greedy child quickly ate all the candy in the coloured basked.
1. change the subject noun 2. change the direct object noun
3. change the indirect object noun 4. change the adjectives
5. change the adverb name 6. change the verb name
7. change the verb tense
Vocabulary building is important for both reading comprehension and writing. Use the following two words (note the part of speech) in one sentence.
avert (verb) + panacea (noun)
Answers will be saved to the Blog archive.
avert (verb) + panacea (noun)
Answers will be saved to the Blog archive.
Use the type of clause, phrase, or grammar indicated to complete the following sentence; you can add the phrase or clause before or after the clause below:
...the Victoria Day long weekend was disappointing this year ...
1. Use a phrase
2. Use a dependent clause
3. Use an independent clause
Note:you can still see previous Sentence Completion questions; they are posted in the archive in the side bar.
...the Victoria Day long weekend was disappointing this year ...
1. Use a phrase
2. Use a dependent clause
3. Use an independent clause
Note:you can still see previous Sentence Completion questions; they are posted in the archive in the side bar.
span style="font-style:italic;">Writing clear, direct English is particularly important in a business context. Please rewrite the following item; there are many different but correct ways of doing this.
It has been found by the advertising department that in many instances the customary practice of offers of a freegift as an incentive to customers have been loss leaders, and that insufficient revenues have been generated on account of the fact that the gifts have not been seen to be a sufficient promitional incentive.
It has been found by the advertising department that in many instances the customary practice of offers of a freegift as an incentive to customers have been loss leaders, and that insufficient revenues have been generated on account of the fact that the gifts have not been seen to be a sufficient promitional incentive.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Correct the errors in the following sentence:
Me and my sister only think that a person travelling to a foreign country should learn a little of a language of those countries to speak easier with the people living their.
Remember that there is more than one possible correct answer.
Note: you can still see previous Grammar Questions of the Week; they are posted in the archive in the side bar.
Me and my sister only think that a person travelling to a foreign country should learn a little of a language of those countries to speak easier with the people living their.
Remember that there is more than one possible correct answer.
Note: you can still see previous Grammar Questions of the Week; they are posted in the archive in the side bar.
Change the words in the sentence below as indicated. You can only change the exact word in the sequence given; after someone else has posted the next change, then you can post another change. For instance, student 1 writes #1 Subject Noun, and changes the subject noun; Student 2 writes #2 Direct Object Noun, and changes that noun. Each student only makes one change at a time and keeps to the order indicated.If you complete all 7 changes, then start making more changes again from 1 to 7. Each student should build on the changes that the previous students make.
A small deer lazily nibbled the lush grass around the tall trees.
1. change the subject noun 2. change the direct object noun
3. change the indirect object noun 4. change the adjectives
5. change the adverb name 6. change the verb name
7. change the verb tense
A small deer lazily nibbled the lush grass around the tall trees.
1. change the subject noun 2. change the direct object noun
3. change the indirect object noun 4. change the adjectives
5. change the adverb name 6. change the verb name
7. change the verb tense
Vocabulary building is important for both reading comprehension and writing. Use the following two words (note the part of speech) in one sentence.
proclivity (noun) + obsessive (adjective)
Answers will be saved to the Blog archive.
proclivity (noun) + obsessive (adjective)
Answers will be saved to the Blog archive.
Use the type of clause, phrase, or grammar indicated to complete the following sentence; you can add the phrase or clause before or after the clause below:
... hockey season will soon be over ...
1. Use a phrase
2. Use a dependent clause
3. Use an independent clause
Note:you can still see previous Sentence Completion questions; they are posted in the archive in the side bar.
... hockey season will soon be over ...
1. Use a phrase
2. Use a dependent clause
3. Use an independent clause
Note:you can still see previous Sentence Completion questions; they are posted in the archive in the side bar.
span style="font-style:italic;">Writing clear, direct English is particularly important in a business context. Please rewrite the following item; there are many different but correct ways of doing this.
The Employee Health and Wellness Committee has been led to believe by pest control experts that the insect infestation problem will continue to worsen because of employees who are consuming food at their desks and other locations in the building instead of restricting their eating to the lunchroom.
The Employee Health and Wellness Committee has been led to believe by pest control experts that the insect infestation problem will continue to worsen because of employees who are consuming food at their desks and other locations in the building instead of restricting their eating to the lunchroom.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Correct the errors in the following sentence:
If you shouldn't mind me to ask where you are going when me and my sisters seen you last week.
Remember that there is more than one possible correct answer.
Note: you can still see previous Grammar Questions of the Week; they are posted in the archive in the side bar.
If you shouldn't mind me to ask where you are going when me and my sisters seen you last week.
Remember that there is more than one possible correct answer.
Note: you can still see previous Grammar Questions of the Week; they are posted in the archive in the side bar.
ALL CHANGE! April 30th
Change the words in the sentence below as indicated. You can only change the exact word in the sequence given; after someone else has posted the next change, then you can post another change. For instance, student 1 writes #1 Subject Noun, and changes the subject noun; Student 2 writes #2 Direct Object Noun, and changes that noun. Each student only makes one change at a time and keeps to the order indicated.If you complete all 7 changes, then start making more changes again from 1 to 7. Each student should build on the changes that the previous students make.
The hungry girl quickly ate tasty food on her plate.
1. change the subject noun 2. change the direct object noun
3. change the indirect object noun 4. change the adjectives
5. change the adverb name 6. change the verb name
7. change the verb tense
The hungry girl quickly ate tasty food on her plate.
1. change the subject noun 2. change the direct object noun
3. change the indirect object noun 4. change the adjectives
5. change the adverb name 6. change the verb name
7. change the verb tense
VOCABULARY, April 30th
Vocabulary building is important for both reading comprehension and writing. Use the following two words (note the part of speech) in one sentence.
beneficence (noun) + apathetic (adjective)
Answers will be saved to the Blog archive.
beneficence (noun) + apathetic (adjective)
Answers will be saved to the Blog archive.
Use the type of clause, phrase, or grammar indicated to complete the following sentence; you can add the phrase or clause before or after the clause below:
... May Day means different things to different people ...
1. Use a phrase
2. Use a dependent clause
3. Use an independent clause
Note:you can still see previous Sentence Completion questions; they are posted in the archive in the side bar.
... May Day means different things to different people ...
1. Use a phrase
2. Use a dependent clause
3. Use an independent clause
Note:you can still see previous Sentence Completion questions; they are posted in the archive in the side bar.
span style="font-style:italic;">Writing clear, direct English is particularly important in a business context. Please rewrite the following item; there are many different but correct ways of doing this.
The members of the Health and Wellness Committee are formally requesting that all staff members who are in any way involved in the organization of gambling in the workplaces or participating in said activities cease and desist.
Hint: Check Chapter 9 of Barron's Business English, and avoid using the passive voice and other wordy construction!
The members of the Health and Wellness Committee are formally requesting that all staff members who are in any way involved in the organization of gambling in the workplaces or participating in said activities cease and desist.
Hint: Check Chapter 9 of Barron's Business English, and avoid using the passive voice and other wordy construction!
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Correct the errors in the following sentence:
Samirs always been borrowing his car to his brother who’s lending it while his old model car is in the garage for repairing.
Remember that there is more than one possible correct answer.
Note: you can still see previous Grammar Questions of the Week; they are posted in the archive in the side bar.
Samirs always been borrowing his car to his brother who’s lending it while his old model car is in the garage for repairing.
Remember that there is more than one possible correct answer.
Note: you can still see previous Grammar Questions of the Week; they are posted in the archive in the side bar.
ALL CHANGE! April 22nd
Change the words in the sentence below as indicated. You can only change the exact word in the sequence given; after someone else has posted the next change, then you can post another change. For instance, student 1 writes #1 Subject Noun, and changes the subject noun; Student 2 writes #2 Direct Object Noun, and changes that noun. Each student only makes one change at a time and keeps to the order indicated.If you complete all 7 changes, then start making more changes again from 1 to 7. Each student should build on the changes that the previous students make.
The young man enthusiastically took the sociology course at the local college.
1. change the subject noun 2. change the direct object noun
3. change the indirect object noun 4. change the adjectives (two)
5. change the adverb name 6. change the verb name
7. change the verb tense
The young man enthusiastically took the sociology course at the local college.
1. change the subject noun 2. change the direct object noun
3. change the indirect object noun 4. change the adjectives (two)
5. change the adverb name 6. change the verb name
7. change the verb tense
VOCABULARY, April 22nd
Vocabulary building is important for both reading comprehension and writing. Use the following two words (note the part of speech) in one sentence.
anachronism (noun) + either perverse (adjective) or perversely (adverb)
Answers will be saved to the Blog archive.
anachronism (noun) + either perverse (adjective) or perversely (adverb)
Answers will be saved to the Blog archive.
Use the type of clause, phrase, or grammar indicated to complete the following sentence; you can add the phrase or clause before or after the clause below:
... April is a month that can't seem to make up its mind ...
1. Use a phrase
2. Use a dependent clause
3. Use an independent clause
Note:you can still see previous Sentence Completion questions; they are posted in the archive in the side bar.
... April is a month that can't seem to make up its mind ...
1. Use a phrase
2. Use a dependent clause
3. Use an independent clause
Note:you can still see previous Sentence Completion questions; they are posted in the archive in the side bar.
Writing clear, direct English is particularly important in a business context. Please rewrite the following item; there are many different but correct ways of doing this.
Due to the fact that various emotional concerns have been raised by some of our business colleagues about the widespread utilization of a systemic poison as the primary method of dealing with the burgeoning ant infestation, the Workplace Health and Safety team has deemed it necessary to look into other possible approaches that may or may not be more humane
Due to the fact that various emotional concerns have been raised by some of our business colleagues about the widespread utilization of a systemic poison as the primary method of dealing with the burgeoning ant infestation, the Workplace Health and Safety team has deemed it necessary to look into other possible approaches that may or may not be more humane
Monday, April 14, 2008
Correct the errors in the following sentence:
The car was driving erratic when it'd went off the road and the driver Jack Lemay is injured serious.
Remember that there is more than one possible correct answer.
Note: you can still see previous Grammar Questions of the Week; they are posted in the archive in the side bar.
The car was driving erratic when it'd went off the road and the driver Jack Lemay is injured serious.
Remember that there is more than one possible correct answer.
Note: you can still see previous Grammar Questions of the Week; they are posted in the archive in the side bar.
ALL CHANGE! April 14th
Change the words in the sentence below as indicated. You can only change the exact word in the sequence given; after someone else has posted the next change, then you can post another change. For instance, student 1 writes #1 Subject Noun, and changes the subject noun; Student 2 writes #2 Direct Object Noun, and changes that noun. Each student only makes one change at a time and keeps to the order indicated.If you complete all 7 changes, then start making more changes again from 1 to 7. Each student should build on the changes that the previous students make.
The avid gardener waited for Easter before excitedly planting her flower beds.
1. change the subject noun 2. change the first indirect object noun
3. change the second indirect object noun 4. change the adjectives (two)
5. change the adverb name 6. change the verb name
7. change the verb tense
The avid gardener waited for Easter before excitedly planting her flower beds.
1. change the subject noun 2. change the first indirect object noun
3. change the second indirect object noun 4. change the adjectives (two)
5. change the adverb name 6. change the verb name
7. change the verb tense
VOCABULARY, April 14th
Vocabulary building is important for both reading comprehension and writing. Use the following two words (note the part of speech) in one sentence.
incredulous (adjective) + antagonist (noun)
Answers will be saved to the Blog archive.
incredulous (adjective) + antagonist (noun)
Answers will be saved to the Blog archive.
Use the type of clause, phrase, or grammar indicated to complete the following sentence; you can add the phrase or clause before or after the clause below:
... it's time to get back to work now that the Easter holiday is over...
1. Use a phrase
2. Use a dependent clause
3. Use an independent clause
Note:you can still see previous Sentence Completion questions; they are posted in the archive in the side bar.
... it's time to get back to work now that the Easter holiday is over...
1. Use a phrase
2. Use a dependent clause
3. Use an independent clause
Note:you can still see previous Sentence Completion questions; they are posted in the archive in the side bar.
Writing clear, direct English is particularly important in a business context. Please rewrite the following item; there are many different but correct ways of doing this.
There are too many of you, all work colleagues, who have not as yet thought it worthwhile to take just a few minutes to sign up for the registration for the Seminar being offered next week by the Safety and Standards Branch on personal and institutional workplace hygiene and cleanliness.
Hint: Check Chapter 9 of Barron's Business English, and avoid using the passive voice and other wordy construction!
Responses are saved in the archives.
There are too many of you, all work colleagues, who have not as yet thought it worthwhile to take just a few minutes to sign up for the registration for the Seminar being offered next week by the Safety and Standards Branch on personal and institutional workplace hygiene and cleanliness.
Hint: Check Chapter 9 of Barron's Business English, and avoid using the passive voice and other wordy construction!
Responses are saved in the archives.
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Writing clear, direct English is particularly important in a business context. Please rewrite the following item; there are many different but correct ways of doing this.
It is our particular expectation that the commissioned report on the ant infestation and other hygiene concerns in the entire work area will be completed and submitted by the relevant committee not later than the end of this year.
Responses are saved in the archives.
It is our particular expectation that the commissioned report on the ant infestation and other hygiene concerns in the entire work area will be completed and submitted by the relevant committee not later than the end of this year.
Responses are saved in the archives.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
In an acrostic, you start with a theme word and use each letter of that word to start another word or phrase that describes the theme word. The acrostic below is based on the theme word SNOW.
……………S Slippery
……………N Numbing
……………O Obliterating
……………W Wintery
Write an acrostic based on one of the following themes:
……………S Slippery
……………N Numbing
……………O Obliterating
……………W Wintery
Write an acrostic based on one of the following themes:
A cinquain poem is a five-line poem that is diamond-shaped. Start with a theme word (noun) and then use the pattern 1 noun, 2 adjectives, 3 gerunds, 1 full sentence, and finally a synonym for the first noun.
………… Cold, white...................
......Falling, freezing, numbing....
.......It chills fingers and toes......
Write a cinquain poem based on one of the following themes:
………… Cold, white...................
......Falling, freezing, numbing....
.......It chills fingers and toes......
Write a cinquain poem based on one of the following themes:
Correct the errors in the following sentence:
Please ask her where she is going over easter but don't tell her that I ask for the informations.
Remember that there is more than one possible correct answer.
Note: you can still see previous Grammar Questions of the Week; they are posted in the archive in the side bar.
Please ask her where she is going over easter but don't tell her that I ask for the informations.
Remember that there is more than one possible correct answer.
Note: you can still see previous Grammar Questions of the Week; they are posted in the archive in the side bar.
ALL CHANGE! March 27th
Change the words in the sentence below as indicated. You can only change the exact word in the sequence given; after someone else has posted the next change, then you can post another change. For instance, student 1 writes #1 Subject Noun, and changes the subject noun; Student 2 writes #2 Direct Object Noun, and changes that noun. Each student only makes one change at a time and keeps to the order indicated.If you complete all 7 changes, then start making more changes again from 1 to 7. Each student should build on the changes that the previous students make.
Amber greedily ate the chocolate Easter eggs from her aunt.
1. change the subject noun 2. change the direct object noun
3. change the indirect object noun 4. change the adjectives
5. change the adverb name 6. change the verb name
7. change the verb tense
Amber greedily ate the chocolate Easter eggs from her aunt.
1. change the subject noun 2. change the direct object noun
3. change the indirect object noun 4. change the adjectives
5. change the adverb name 6. change the verb name
7. change the verb tense
VOCABULARY, March 27th
Vocabulary building is important for both reading comprehension and writing. Use the following two words (note the part of speech) in one sentence.
feckless (adjective) + veracity (noun)
Answers will be saved to the Blog archive.
feckless (adjective) + veracity (noun)
Answers will be saved to the Blog archive.
Use the type of clause, phrase, or grammar indicated to complete the following sentence; you can add the phrase or clause before or after the clause below:
... it will be good to have some time off over the Easter holiday ...
1. Use a phrase
2. Use a dependent clause
3. Use an independent clause
Note:you can still see previous Sentence Completion questions; they are posted in the archive in the side bar.
... it will be good to have some time off over the Easter holiday ...
1. Use a phrase
2. Use a dependent clause
3. Use an independent clause
Note:you can still see previous Sentence Completion questions; they are posted in the archive in the side bar.
Writing clear, direct English is particularly important in a business context. Please rewrite the following item; there are many different but correct ways of doing this.
Each and every one of the employees must make a decision for him or herself as to what specific goals and objectives he or she will be responsible for as part and parcel of the target that has been established by the management of achieving lunchroom cleanliness.
Responses are saved in the archives.
Each and every one of the employees must make a decision for him or herself as to what specific goals and objectives he or she will be responsible for as part and parcel of the target that has been established by the management of achieving lunchroom cleanliness.
Responses are saved in the archives.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Correct the errors in the following sentence:
There were a lot of applause at the Oscars and they had rose the most when the winner of the best movie had been announced.
Remember that there is more than one possible correct answer.
Note: you can still see previous Grammar Questions of the Week; they are posted in the archive in the side bar.
There were a lot of applause at the Oscars and they had rose the most when the winner of the best movie had been announced.
Remember that there is more than one possible correct answer.
Note: you can still see previous Grammar Questions of the Week; they are posted in the archive in the side bar.
VOCABULARY, March 18th
Vocabulary building is important for both reading comprehension and writing. Use the following two words (note the part of speech) in one sentence.
expedite (verb) + myriad (noun)
Answers will be saved to the Blog archive.
expedite (verb) + myriad (noun)
Answers will be saved to the Blog archive.
ALL CHANGE! March 18th
Change the words in the sentence below as indicated. You can only change the exact word in the sequence given; after someone else has posted the next change, then you can post another change. For instance, student 1 writes #1 Subject Noun, and changes the subject noun; Student 2 writes #2 Direct Object Noun, and changes that noun. Each student only makes one change at a time and keeps to the order indicated.If you complete all 7 changes, then start making more changes again from 1 to 7. Each student should build on the changes that the previous students make.
Mira happily gave Omar a birthday gift.
1. change the subject noun 2. change the direct object noun
3. change the indirect object noun 4. change the adjective
5. change the adverb name 6. change the verb name
7. change the verb tense
Mira happily gave Omar a birthday gift.
1. change the subject noun 2. change the direct object noun
3. change the indirect object noun 4. change the adjective
5. change the adverb name 6. change the verb name
7. change the verb tense
Use the type of clause, phrase, or grammar indicated to complete the following sentence; you can add the phrase or clause before or after the clause below:
... I have mixed feelings about St. Patrick's Day ...
1. Use a phrase
2. Use a dependent clause
3. Use an independent clause
Note:you can still see previous Sentence Completion questions; they are posted in the archive in the side bar.
... I have mixed feelings about St. Patrick's Day ...
1. Use a phrase
2. Use a dependent clause
3. Use an independent clause
Note:you can still see previous Sentence Completion questions; they are posted in the archive in the side bar.
Writing clear, direct English is particularly important in a business context. Please rewrite the following item; there are many different but correct ways of doing this.
The meeting that was held to discuss possible methods of ensuring workplace cleanliness by the external consultants who were hired by the company was both instructional and at various times amusing and even entertaining.
Responses are saved in the archives.
The meeting that was held to discuss possible methods of ensuring workplace cleanliness by the external consultants who were hired by the company was both instructional and at various times amusing and even entertaining.
Responses are saved in the archives.
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Correct the errors in the following sentence:
Studying on my own pace is a lot of benefit for me due to I do not need to be worrying about no time for attend classes.
Remember that there is more than one possible correct answer.
Note: you can still see previous Grammar Questions of the Week; they are posted in the archive in the side bar.
Studying on my own pace is a lot of benefit for me due to I do not need to be worrying about no time for attend classes.
Remember that there is more than one possible correct answer.
Note: you can still see previous Grammar Questions of the Week; they are posted in the archive in the side bar.
ALL CHANGE! March 9th
Change the words in the sentence below as indicated. You can only change the exact word in the sequence given; after someone else has posted the next change, then you can post another change. For instance, student 1 writes #1 Subject Noun, and changes the subject noun; Student 2 writes #2 Direct Object Noun, and changes that noun. Each student only makes one change at a time and keeps to the order indicated.If you complete all 7 changes, then start making more changes again from 1 to 7. Each student should build on the changes that the previous students make.
Yasmin excitedly rode her new bicycle to school.
1. change the subject noun 2. change the direct object noun
3. change the indirect object noun 4. change the adjective
5. change the adverb name 6. change the verb name
7. change the verb tense
Yasmin excitedly rode her new bicycle to school.
1. change the subject noun 2. change the direct object noun
3. change the indirect object noun 4. change the adjective
5. change the adverb name 6. change the verb name
7. change the verb tense
Vocabulary building is important for both reading comprehension and writing. Use the following two words (note the part of speech) in one sentence.
millennial (adjective) + diminution (noun)
Answers will be saved to the Blog archive.
millennial (adjective) + diminution (noun)
Answers will be saved to the Blog archive.
Use the type of clause, phrase, or grammar indicated to complete the following sentence; you can add the phrase or clause before or after the clause below:
... This year, St. Patrick's Day, March 17th, falls on a Tuesday ...
1. Use a phrase
2. Use a dependent clause
3. Use an independent clause
Note:you can still see previous Sentence Completion questions; they are posted in the archive in the side bar.
... This year, St. Patrick's Day, March 17th, falls on a Tuesday ...
1. Use a phrase
2. Use a dependent clause
3. Use an independent clause
Note:you can still see previous Sentence Completion questions; they are posted in the archive in the side bar.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Correct the errors in the following sentence:
I asked Helen how did she do on the exam. She replied I'm sure I did good I think I aced it.
Remember that there is more than one possible correct answer.
Note: you can still see previous Grammar Questions of the Week; they are posted in the archive in the side bar.
I asked Helen how did she do on the exam. She replied I'm sure I did good I think I aced it.
Remember that there is more than one possible correct answer.
Note: you can still see previous Grammar Questions of the Week; they are posted in the archive in the side bar.
ALL CHANGE! Feb. 27th
Change the words in the sentence below as indicated. You can only change the exact word in the sequence given; after someone else has posted the next change, then you can post another change. For instance, student 1 writes #1 Subject Noun, and changes the subject noun; Student 2 writes #2 Direct Object Noun, and changes that noun. Each student only makes one change at a time and keeps to the order indicated.If you complete all 7 changes, then start making more changes again from 1 to 7. Each student should build on the changes that the previous students make.
Ali quickly bought some groceries at the small supermarket.
1. change the subject noun 2. change the direct object noun
3. change the indirect object noun 4. change the adjective
5. change the adverb name 6. change the verb name
7. change the verb tense
Ali quickly bought some groceries at the small supermarket.
1. change the subject noun 2. change the direct object noun
3. change the indirect object noun 4. change the adjective
5. change the adverb name 6. change the verb name
7. change the verb tense
Vocabulary building is important for both reading comprehension and writing. Use the following two words (note the part of speech) in one sentence.
synthetically (adverb) + impervious (noun)
Answers will be saved to the Blog archive.
synthetically (adverb) + impervious (noun)
Answers will be saved to the Blog archive.
Writing clear, direct English is particularly important in a business context. Please rewrite the following item; there are many different but correct ways of doing this.
It is absolutely imperative that a complete and thorough investigation into the continuing and ongoing problem of the ant infestation in the lunchroom premises be launched by the Health and Wellness Committee to ensure a final end to the problem.
Responses are saved in the archives.
It is absolutely imperative that a complete and thorough investigation into the continuing and ongoing problem of the ant infestation in the lunchroom premises be launched by the Health and Wellness Committee to ensure a final end to the problem.
Responses are saved in the archives.
Use the type of clause, phrase, or grammar indicated to complete the following sentence; you can add the phrase or clause before or after the clause below:
... I didn't agree with the judge's decision ...
1. Use a phrase
2. Use a dependent clause
3. Use an independent clause
Note:you can still see previous Sentence Completion questions; they are posted in the archive in the side bar.
... I didn't agree with the judge's decision ...
1. Use a phrase
2. Use a dependent clause
3. Use an independent clause
Note:you can still see previous Sentence Completion questions; they are posted in the archive in the side bar.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Correct the errors in the following sentence:
The team were fantastic. They won the game easily and with style however the crowd were booing the referee because of a dubious call and it threw empty bottles on the field.
Remember that there is more than one possible correct answer.
Note: you can still see previous Grammar Questions of the Week; they are posted in the archive in the side bar.
The team were fantastic. They won the game easily and with style however the crowd were booing the referee because of a dubious call and it threw empty bottles on the field.
Remember that there is more than one possible correct answer.
Note: you can still see previous Grammar Questions of the Week; they are posted in the archive in the side bar.
ALL CHANGE! Feb. 19th
Change the words in the sentence below as indicated. You can only change the exact word in the sequence given; after someone else has posted the next change, then you can post another change. For instance, student 1 writes #1 Subject Noun, and changes the subject noun; Student 2 writes #2 Direct Object Noun, and changes that noun. Each student only makes one change at a time and keeps to the order indicated.If you complete all 6 changes, then start making more changes again from 1 to 6. Each student should build on the changes that the previous students make.
Tom and Tina celebrate Valentine's Day with a theme party.
1. change the subject noun (compound subject) 2. change the direct object noun
3. change the indirect object noun 4. change the adjective
5. change the verb name 6. change the verb tense.
Tom and Tina celebrate Valentine's Day with a theme party.
1. change the subject noun (compound subject) 2. change the direct object noun
3. change the indirect object noun 4. change the adjective
5. change the verb name 6. change the verb tense.
Vocabulary building is important for both reading comprehension and writing. Use the following two words (note the part of speech) in one sentence.
malign (verb) + discrepancy (noun)
Answers are saved in the Blog archive.
malign (verb) + discrepancy (noun)
Answers are saved in the Blog archive.
Writing clear, direct English is particularly important in a business context. Please rewrite the following item; there are many different but correct ways of doing this.
At this point in time, permit to say that the balance of your bill, $954 is still outstanding, and in accordance with the agreement that was signed by both parties, interest is now due.
Responses are saved in the archives.
At this point in time, permit to say that the balance of your bill, $954 is still outstanding, and in accordance with the agreement that was signed by both parties, interest is now due.
Responses are saved in the archives.
Use the type of clause, phrase, or grammar indicated to complete the following sentence; you can add the phrase or clause before or after the clause below:
...we saw many interesting people and places ...
1. Use a phrase
2. Use a dependent clause
3. Use an independent clause
Note:you can still see previous Sentence Completion questions; they are posted in the archive in the side bar.
...we saw many interesting people and places ...
1. Use a phrase
2. Use a dependent clause
3. Use an independent clause
Note:you can still see previous Sentence Completion questions; they are posted in the archive in the side bar.
Monday, February 11, 2008
Correct the errors in the following sentence:
The commentator said it is the most unique program skated at the competition, therefore it hasn't been surprising that the audience have given them a standing ovation.
Remember that there is more than one possible correct answer.
Note: you can still see previous Grammar Questions of the Week; they are posted in the archive in the side bar.
The commentator said it is the most unique program skated at the competition, therefore it hasn't been surprising that the audience have given them a standing ovation.
Remember that there is more than one possible correct answer.
Note: you can still see previous Grammar Questions of the Week; they are posted in the archive in the side bar.
ALL CHANGE! Feb. 11th
Change the words in the sentence below as indicated. You can only change the exact word in the sequence given; after someone else has posted the next change, then you can post another change. For instance, student 1 writes #1 Subject Noun, and changes the subject noun; Student 2 writes #2 Direct Object Noun, and changes that noun. Each student only makes one change at a time and keeps to the order indicated.If you complete all 7 changes, then start making more changes again from 1 to 7. Each student should build on the changes that the previous students make.
Geoff takes Gina to a favourite Chinese restaurant on Valentines Day.
1. change the subject noun 2. change the direct object noun
3. change the first indirect object noun 4. change the adjective
5. change the verb name 6. change the verb tense.
7. change second indirect object
Geoff takes Gina to a favourite Chinese restaurant on Valentines Day.
1. change the subject noun 2. change the direct object noun
3. change the first indirect object noun 4. change the adjective
5. change the verb name 6. change the verb tense.
7. change second indirect object
Writing clear, direct English is particularly important in a business context. Please rewrite the following item; there are many different but correct ways of doing this.
In this day and age, it is of particular importance that each and every side of a business proposal be discussed by all concerned parties on account of the fact that all of these parties need to cooperate together to reach an agreed upon concensus and unity.
Responses are saved in the archives.
In this day and age, it is of particular importance that each and every side of a business proposal be discussed by all concerned parties on account of the fact that all of these parties need to cooperate together to reach an agreed upon concensus and unity.
Responses are saved in the archives.
Vocabulary building is important for both reading comprehension and writing. Use the following two words (note the part of speech) in one sentence.
vociferously (adverb) + disbursement (noun)
Answers will be saved to the Blog archive.
vociferously (adverb) + disbursement (noun)
Answers will be saved to the Blog archive.
Use the type of clause, phrase, or grammar indicated to complete the following sentence; you can add the phrase or clause before or after the clause below:
...this year on Valentines Day I had a surprise ...
1. Use a phrase
2. Use a dependent clause
3. Use an independent clause
Note: you can still see previous Sentence Completion questions; they are posted in the archive in the side bar.
...this year on Valentines Day I had a surprise ...
1. Use a phrase
2. Use a dependent clause
3. Use an independent clause
Note: you can still see previous Sentence Completion questions; they are posted in the archive in the side bar.
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Correct the errors in the following sentence:
For entertaining Hai likes to go to outdoors concerts in the Summer or during the Winter, he watches reality television's shows.
Remember that there is more than one possible correct answer.
Note: you can still see previous Grammar Questions of the Week; they are posted in the archive in the side bar.
For entertaining Hai likes to go to outdoors concerts in the Summer or during the Winter, he watches reality television's shows.
Remember that there is more than one possible correct answer.
Note: you can still see previous Grammar Questions of the Week; they are posted in the archive in the side bar.
ALL CHANGE! Feb. 3rd
Change the words in the sentence below as indicated. You can only change the exact word in the sequence given; after someone else has posted the next change, then you can post another change. For instance, student 1 writes #1 Subject Noun, and changes the subject noun; Student 2 writes #2 Direct Object Noun, and changes that noun. Each student only makes one change at a time and keeps to the order indicated.If you complete all 7 changes, then start making more changes again from 1 to 7. Each student should build on the changes that the previous students make.
Tina's husband avidly watched the Superbowl on television.
1. change the subject noun 2. change the direct object noun
3. change the indirect object noun 4. change the adjective
5. change the verb name 6. change the verb tense.
7. change the adverb
Tina's husband avidly watched the Superbowl on television.
1. change the subject noun 2. change the direct object noun
3. change the indirect object noun 4. change the adjective
5. change the verb name 6. change the verb tense.
7. change the adverb
Vocabulary building is important for both reading comprehension and writing. Use the following two words (note the part of speech) in one sentence.
commiserate (verb) + apologetic (adjective)
Answers will be saved to the Blog archive.
commiserate (verb) + apologetic (adjective)
Answers will be saved to the Blog archive.
Writing clear, direct English is particularly important in a business context. Please rewrite the following item; there are many different but correct ways of doing this.
Will all interested applicants please contact the office that is most conveniently located to them. The local program staff will then be able to determine if they really are eligible to make an application for this loan.
Responses are saved in the archives.
Will all interested applicants please contact the office that is most conveniently located to them. The local program staff will then be able to determine if they really are eligible to make an application for this loan.
Responses are saved in the archives.
Use the type of clause, phrase, or grammar indicated to complete the following sentence; you can add the phrase or clause before or after the clause below:
... many people watched the Pittsburgh Steelers win the Superbowl last weekend ...
1. Use a phrase
2. Use a dependent clause
3. Use an independent clause
Note: you can still see previous Sentence Completion questions; they are posted in the archive in the side bar.
... many people watched the Pittsburgh Steelers win the Superbowl last weekend ...
1. Use a phrase
2. Use a dependent clause
3. Use an independent clause
Note: you can still see previous Sentence Completion questions; they are posted in the archive in the side bar.
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Correct the errors in the following sentence:
There were to much people at the mall so I was hurried up shopping, I was so hurried that the shirt I bought's not big enough and I'm having to return it.
Remember that there is more than one possible correct answer.
Note: you can still see previous Grammar Questions of the Week; they are posted in the archive in the side bar.
There were to much people at the mall so I was hurried up shopping, I was so hurried that the shirt I bought's not big enough and I'm having to return it.
Remember that there is more than one possible correct answer.
Note: you can still see previous Grammar Questions of the Week; they are posted in the archive in the side bar.
ALL CHANGE! Jan 26th
Change the words in the sentence below as indicated. You can only change the exact word in the sequence given; after someone else has posted the next change, then you can post another change. For instance, student 1 writes #1 Subject Noun, and changes the subject noun; Student 2 writes #2 Direct Object Noun, and changes that noun. Each student only makes one change at a time and keeps to the order indicated.If you complete all 8 changes, then start making more changes again from 1 to 8. Each student should build on the changes that the previous students make.
The Chinese student happily celebrated the New Year with her friends.
1. change the subject noun 2. change the direct object noun
3. change the indirect object noun 4. change the adjective
5. change the verb name 6. change the verb tense.
7. change the adverb 8. Change the subject noun to a plural
The Chinese student happily celebrated the New Year with her friends.
1. change the subject noun 2. change the direct object noun
3. change the indirect object noun 4. change the adjective
5. change the verb name 6. change the verb tense.
7. change the adverb 8. Change the subject noun to a plural
Vocabulary building is important for both reading comprehension and writing. Use the following two words (note the part of speech) in one sentence.
impediment (noun) + disproportionately (adverb)
Answers will be saved to the Blog archive.
impediment (noun) + disproportionately (adverb)
Answers will be saved to the Blog archive.
Writing clear, direct English is particularly important in a business context. Please rewrite the following item; there are many different but correct ways of doing this.
We would be very appreciative if the new photocopier could be installed by 8:30 A.M., and that training could be provided by your staff throughout that same day so that we lose as little time as possible in getting to use the new machine.
Responses are saved in the archives.
We would be very appreciative if the new photocopier could be installed by 8:30 A.M., and that training could be provided by your staff throughout that same day so that we lose as little time as possible in getting to use the new machine.
Responses are saved in the archives.
Use the type of clause, phrase, or grammar indicated to complete the following sentence; you can add the phrase or clause before or after the clause below:
... Margaret Atwood is a well known Canadian author ...
1. Use a phrase
2. Use a dependent clause
3. Use an independent clause
Note: you can still see previous Sentence Completion questions; they are posted in the archive in the side bar.
... Margaret Atwood is a well known Canadian author ...
1. Use a phrase
2. Use a dependent clause
3. Use an independent clause
Note: you can still see previous Sentence Completion questions; they are posted in the archive in the side bar.
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Correct the errors in the following sentence:
The roads were slippery over the new year, so I drove cautious when I went out but I stayed at home to take it easier as much as possible.
Remember that there is more than one possible correct answer.
Note: you can still see previous Grammar Questions of the Week; they are posted in the archive in the side bar.
The roads were slippery over the new year, so I drove cautious when I went out but I stayed at home to take it easier as much as possible.
Remember that there is more than one possible correct answer.
Note: you can still see previous Grammar Questions of the Week; they are posted in the archive in the side bar.
ALL CHANGE! Jan 19th
Change the words in the sentence below as indicated. You can only change the exact word in the sequence given; after someone else has posted the next change, then you can post another change. For instance, student 1 writes #1 Subject Noun, and changes the subject noun; Student 2 writes #2 Direct Object Noun, and changes that noun. Each student only makes one change at a time and keeps to the order indicated.If you complete all 6 changes, then start making more changes again from 1 to 6. Each student should build on the changes that the previous students make.
My younger sister received flowers for her birthday.
1. change the subject noun 2. change the direct object noun
3. change the indirect object noun 4. change the adjective
5. change the verb name 6. change the verb tense.
My younger sister received flowers for her birthday.
1. change the subject noun 2. change the direct object noun
3. change the indirect object noun 4. change the adjective
5. change the verb name 6. change the verb tense.
Vocabulary building is important for both reading comprehension and writing. Use the following two words (note the part of speech) in one sentence.
antidote (noun) + ecological (adjective)
Answers will be saved to the Blog archive.
antidote (noun) + ecological (adjective)
Answers will be saved to the Blog archive.
Writing clear, direct English is particularly important in a business context. Please rewrite the following item; there are many different but correct ways of doing this.
It has come to the adverse attention of the Employee Wellness Committee as well as the Executive that a number of our employees have become involved in gambling; this gambling has taken the form of the organization of competitions between various departments to see which of the ants that have been caught in the lunch room will survive the longest without food.
Responses are saved in the archives.
It has come to the adverse attention of the Employee Wellness Committee as well as the Executive that a number of our employees have become involved in gambling; this gambling has taken the form of the organization of competitions between various departments to see which of the ants that have been caught in the lunch room will survive the longest without food.
Responses are saved in the archives.
Use the type of clause, phrase, or grammar indicated to complete the following sentence; you can add the phrase or clause before or after the clause below:
... the inauguration of Barack Obama as President of the a hopeful event for many people ...
1. Use a phrase
2. Use a dependent clause
3. Use an independent clause
Note: you can still see previous Sentence Completion questions; they are posted in the archive in the side bar.
... the inauguration of Barack Obama as President of the a hopeful event for many people ...
1. Use a phrase
2. Use a dependent clause
3. Use an independent clause
Note: you can still see previous Sentence Completion questions; they are posted in the archive in the side bar.
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